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这里音乐声愈加响了。The music was louder here.

这下子小马就愈加积极了。Now the colt could increasingly positive.

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自己但愿自己们可以愈加撑持大众交通东西。I hope we can more support public transport.

现在可迁移性愈加受限制了。Now that mobility is increasingly restricted.

这个前额测温的体温计愈加便当运用。The forehead thermometer is much easier to use.

他们原本应该愈加注重质量。They should have paid more attention to quality.

特德的取笑如火上加油,使他愈加恼怒。And Ted added fuel to the flame by laughing at him.

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夜深了,而那束蓝光愈加强烈刺眼。As the evening grew darker the light grew stronger.

在最近的几年中,穆加贝的残暴愈加变本加厉。In recent years, Mugabe has grown even more ruthless.

随着气候变化,这种情况将愈加恶化。With climate change, the problem will become worsened.

随着时间的推移,他的智慧之光愈加灿烂夺目。As time went on,his intelligence rayed out more brightly.

年岁愈增,我久愈加深切地意识到态度对生活的影响。The longer live, the more the impact of attitude on life.

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天气模式变幻莫测,暴风暴雨愈加猛烈。Weather patterns are changing, and storms seem more violent.

虽然技术依赖我们,但我们也在愈加地依赖技术。While it depends on us, we are increasingly dependent on it.

情况也愈加复杂化,因为现在许多MS-13分子都是美国人。Complicating matters, many MS-13 members are now American-born.

随着我们下降得越多,植被就变得越稀薄,而阳光则变得愈加强烈。As we descended, the vegetation grew thinner, the sun more intense.

年复一年,珍妮对老太太说话的腔调变得愈加尖锐了。From year to year, Jeanne’s tone with the old woman became sharper.

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年岁愈增,我就愈加深切地意识到态度对生活的影响。The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

公众和私人产业的经理人士愈加关注该领域。The field is of growing interest to public-and private-sector managers.

我们已经看到了非财务报告愈加受到重视。We are already seeing an increased emphasis on non-financial reporting.