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那么中华民族的日月二神是谁呢?So the national sun 2 who god is?

解放前的日月可真不好过啊!What a hard life we had before liberation!

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日月所烛。All that is illumined by the sun and the moon.

下图是昨天在日月湾拍的。Below are a couple of pictures from yesterday.

就连日月也灰灰暗暗地,看起来没有一点生气。Even the sun and the moon look dim and inactive.

他在草原上赶牛、羊,度过了孤独的日月。He passed lonely months droving on the grassland.

祝福我们的党与日月同辉!We wish our party and the sun and the moon together!

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周三下午大跌后快速反弹,是对50日月线破位的回抽!Rapidly rising is a rebound of the 50 days month line!

以下一些照片是来自上星期跟这星期在日月湾的照片。Below are some Pic from last week and this week in of us.

乐观主义者可能会说,守得云开见日月。Optimists might say that every cloud has a silver lining.

三才者,天地人,三光者,日月星。The three luminaries, are the sun, the moon and the stars.

今天有一个法国家庭跟我们去日月湾。Today we were joined by a French family living in Shenzhen.

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日月不同光,昼夜各有宜。The moon and different light, day and night with appropriate.

第一个周末去日月潭边的文武庙。On the first weekend we went to a temple by the Sun Moon Lake.

日月轮回,镰刀,铁锤讲述着斗争的航程。Samsara moon, sickle, hammer about the struggle of the voyage.

日月飞梭,首先是企业网络的出现,紧接着是互联网。Fast-forward. First came corporate networks, then the Internet.

的经典中文翻译是“爱可以穿越时空而与日月同辉!”Love can travel the channal to shine with the sun and the moon!

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嗯,您住在日月饭店的818号房间,对吧。Well, you stay in room No. 818 at Sunmoon hotel. Is that right?

弹奏古琴,即是面对天地日月。It can be said that Guqin players are always facing the universe.

在日月确定中国农历新年的日期。The lunisolar Chinese calendar determines Chinese New Year dates.