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偶然的一次对望!Accidental time look!

我来自偶然。I come from fortuity.

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我遇见她纯属偶然。I met her by accident.

我认识她纯属偶然。I knew her by accident.

我偶然发现一个应用程序。I stumbled across an app.

我完全傣在偶然喻见了她。I met her by sheer chance.

他们的相见纯属偶然。They met by pure accident.

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我爸爸没偶然间陪我。Dad didn't have time for me.

我们偶然相会。We met together by accident.

你解决偶然的因素。You cannot resolve causality.

他偶然找到了一份教书的工作。He lucked into a teaching job.

它的诞生纯属偶然。The birth had been accidental.

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安娜偶然找到了一条通往池塘的小路。Anna hit on a path to the pound.

事故是偶然发生的。The accident happened by chance.

她今天在城里偶然遇见了我们。She barged into us in town today.

同一性是偶然的吗Is it that identity is contingent?

她偶然得到许多信息。She picks up a lot of imformation.

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我把行李装上车,和他握手道别,还偶然拥抱了一下。I shook his hand and chanced a hug.

这完全是一桩偶然事故。It was an accident pure and simple.

我得到这份工作纯属偶然。I got this job completely by chance.