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神要使用人。God uses people.

爱不用人教。Love needs no teching.

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用人单位总是喜欢那样的。and employers always like that.

他有一本用人皮装订的书。He had a book that was bound in human skin.

用人方想看到的是量化的成绩。Employers want to see quantifiable achievements.

用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。It shall set up a roll of workers for reference.

难道德纳第太太家里没有女用人吗?Is there no servant in Madame Thenardier's house?

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我表示怀疑——没有哪个女人喜欢用人皮来装饰墙壁。I doubt it—no woman would use skin as a wall motif.

耶稣对用人说,把缸倒满了水。Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water.

你们是如何通过新技术和用人发展的?How did you grow up with new technology and employment?

你们中间谁为大,谁就要作你们的用人。But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

我曾经听朋友说一个家族企业的用人之道。I learned a story about family business from my friends.

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他们把故事念给我、布兰韦尔姨妈和用人泰比听。They read it to me and Aunt Branwell and Tabby, our servant.

即使生命值得我们为其争斗,人类如何才能用人力为生命而争斗?Even if life is worth fighting for, how is it humanly possible?

不知怎的,他们养成了一个习惯,管莉莎叫用人们。Somehow they had got into the way of calling Liza the servants.

因此如果我们需要用人的话,我们就给他们打电话,让他们过来。So if we need somebody, we just call them and have them come in.

当卵泡准备好的时候,使用人绒毛膜促性腺激素或其它药。When the follicles are ready, hCG or other medications are given.

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是否与前用人单位有未尽法律事宜?Do you have any matters not yet cleared with your former employer?

首先说了一下孙坚和孙策的用人情况。Firstof all, you said Sun Jian and Sun Che's employment situation.

只要用人单位一说要你交钱,你掉头就走便是了。As soon as the employer ask for money, you can go without hovering.