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你有白色彩租车吗?。Do you have adress in white?

哪儿有租车柜台?。Where is the rent-a-car counter?

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“元嘉”租车,旅游首选!Yuanjia Car Rental, Tour Preferred!

松源租车,悠享快乐!Songyuan Car rental, Enjoy Pleasure!

“元嘉”租车,快乐体验!Yuanjia Car Rental, Happy Experience!

我可以用这张票上租车吗?。Can Iget on this train with this ticket?

租车网如何换友情链接啊?How to change a car rental network links ah?

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在都柏林租车是非常划算的。Rental cars in Dublin are highly affordable.

去墨尔本我需要换租车吗?。Do Ihave to change trains to go to Melbourne?

租车要便宜得多,也方便得多。Renting a car is cheaper and more convenient.

末班公交车已经开走了,我们只好租车了。The last bus has gone. We have to hire a taxi.

现在租车同签名一样容易。Now tenting a car is as easy as signing your name.

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我可以把租车放在华盛顿的车行吗?May I drop the car off at your office in Washington?

这个月他们还有租车的特价优惠。They have a special offer on car rentals this month.

有去墨尔本中心火租车站租车巴士吗?。Is there abus that goes to Melbourne central station?

周六晚些时候,警方在格兰岱尔市发现了他的另一辆租车。Police found the second car late Saturday in Glendale.

北京首选顺达租车公司以最低价提供租车服务!Top Rated Car Rental Co. serves with the lowest price!

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你现在是租车司机,替班或新的驾驶员?。Are you Currently a Hirer, Relief driver or New Driver?

我认识许多人,他们都在租车,他们也很喜欢这种方式,I know a lot of people that rent cars and they like it.

如果会开车的话,建议还是租车自驾。If the drive of words, suggest or renting auto-driving.