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我们在命运里闪转腾挪。No gene called destiny, WE ARE INFINITE.

把仓库里的东西腾挪一下,好装水泥。Move the things in the storehouse to make room for the cement.

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丹尼尔·韦伯斯特辗转腾挪,使出了浑身解数,还用拳头使劲儿捶桌子。Daniel Webster twisted and turned and thumped his fist on the table.

飞行员让飞机做尽了各种翻转腾挪、旋转俯冲的技巧,但没听到两个人说一个字。The pilot does all kinds of twists and turns, rolls and dives, but not a word is heard.

游击队员们面对武装到牙齿的日军,辗转腾挪,斗智斗勇,终于消灭北辰新作。The guerrillas face armed to the teeth of the Japanese, flit, wits, finally eliminate the beichen.

在可能的范围里闪转腾挪,避开其锋芒,是在势均力敌的情况下的上策。In May in the Dodge and move, avoid the edge, in the case of the policy be well-matched in strength.

小鸭子儿正在思虑底下的问题,请帮它腾挪一根火柴,患上出正确谜底。The duck is thellonking about the following question. Please help it move a match and get the right answer.

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就渝中自身而言,2008年以来,前所未有的大拆迁,为渝中腾挪了发展新空间。In Yuzhong itself, since 2008, hitherto unknown large demolition, to move the new space for the development of Yuzhong.

这不仅为东部产业升级提供有效的腾挪空间,也为中西部加速发展提供了契机。It will make way for upgrading the industry in the coastal areas, meanwhile accelerate the development in western areas.

游戏重点关注文艺复兴艺术,添加了更多的刺杀行动、历史知识、以及在屋顶腾挪跳跃的动作。There's even more assassinating, jumping from rooftop to rooftop and history lessons, with an emphasis on Renaissance art.

梅金闪展腾挪,好像在玩闪避球游戏,在实验室里来回躲闪,踢碎了所有的瓶瓶罐罐,其中的试剂流满试验台。Megan dodged like she did in dodgeball, pacing around the laboratory, knocking all the bottles and potions off of the lab counters.

这些盒子太小了,蟋蟀几乎没有腾挪的空间,不过盒子末端有一个格子状的透气孔。The boxes were so small there was barely room for the cricket to turn around, but there was a small latticed breathing hole at one end.

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我在人群中闪展腾挪,跑过读者留言簿和像小学生般胡乱堆在一起的小背包与外套,穿过大门,来到图书馆外的大街上。I dodged past fellow members, past the suggestion book and the schoolboyish tangle of satchels and coats, through the main door and out into the street.

他粗犷豪放、他阻断对手得分、他在防守腹地辗转腾挪。这就是他过去十年在西班牙国家队和巴塞罗那所做的一切。He is rugged, he stops others from scoring and he puts in his shift in the heart of defense, which he has done for Spain and for Barcelona the last decade.

的确,他们使用了两名而非一名防守型中场,但卡卡和罗比尼奥那精巧至极、漫无目的的躲闪腾挪仍有发挥的余地。True, they employ not one but two defensive midfielders but they still have room for the creativity of Kaká and Robinho's pointlessly overelaborate jinking.

这是一次激动人心的扑救,迪达在空中的转体就像日本漫画里的场面,那里的门将好象是在高空秋千上腾挪的舞者。A sensational save, a turn and twist in the air much like those seen in the Japanese cartoon movies, where goalkeepers just seem to turn into trapeze artists.

盖特纳的纸面戏法已为其赢得了一些时间——原本负债上限会在5月份触及——而更多的腾挪技法将能延后违约风险。Already Geithner's bookkeeping magic has bought extra time—the ceiling was originally going to be hit in May—and more juggling will extend the default danger out.

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他告诉她们,他是一名瑞士派往危机地区的特使,借此为由可以使他辗转腾挪于这些受害富女之间,突然出现或消失无需解释,来去自如。He told them he was a "special Swiss representative in crisis zones", which enabled him to flit between the women at short notice and with very little explanation.

吃豆人的步法和他的拳法一样快,加之他那流畅的进退腾挪,使得他成为近十年来最可怕的----贴身进攻及后撤防守专家。The Pac-Man's feet are just as fast as his fists and his fluid in-and-out movement have made him one of the most devastating stick-and-move specialists of the decade.

公司要想通过云来赚钱需要把各种东西都互连,从而帮助客户把计算腾挪闪展。The companies that have the best chance of making money from the cloud are those that get things to connect and work together and help customers move their computing around.