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测试电流通常由量程决定。It is generally determined by the range.

选择伏特计的最低量程。Select the lowest range of the voltmeter.

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没有个QTL检测的量程下限可塑性。No QTLs were detected for plasticity of LRL.

测量值超程,更改量程范畴。Measure value over range, change measure range.

针对订阅规则触发跳过的量程数。Number of quantums skipped for chronicle rule firings.

针对订阅规则触发跳过的量程数。Number of quantums skipped for subscription rule firings.

某些量程被调度在未完成的量程之后。There are quantums scheduled after an incomplete quantum.

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风力发电机组叶片满量程试验。Full-Scale Structural Testing of Wind Turbine Blades TS Ed.

本文介绍了新型宽量程真空计的研制。This paper introduces a new type of wide-range vacuum gauge.

应注明标准的制造商超量程保护。Standard manufacturer over range protection shall be specified.

量程通常以指针的全分度偏转为限。The range is usually limited to the full-scale deflection of the indicator.

直流和交流衰减器电路提供直流和交流功能的量程切换。The DC and AC attenuator circuits provide ranging for the AC and DC functions.

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在满量程处,MDAC的输出电容等于数据手册中标准值。At full-scale, the MDAC output capacitance equals the data-sheet specification.

在零点,MDAC的输出电容等于约等于满量程值的一半。At zero, the MDAC output capacitance is equal to about half the full-scale value.

为了获得最好的准确度,应当在测量工作所使用的量程上对仪器进行调零。For optimum accuracy, zero the instrument on the range to be used for measurement.

在论文的结尾部分对整个新型宽量程真空计的设计进行了总结。At the end of the paper we summarize the design of the new wide-range vacuum gauge.

通过衔接法,既扩大了传感器的量程,又提高了传感器的精度。The measuring range and precision of the sensor are raised by the method of connection.

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提出并设计了一种适用于电压表的量程自动转换电路。A kind of circuit for automatic range selection of voltmeters is introduced and designed.

总结一下,我们必须定义仪表量程的最大值和最小值。To summarize, we must specify a low and a high value to define the range of an instrument.

用万用表来作电阻表使用时,你需要选择电阻量程。To get the multimeter to function as an ohmmeter , you will need to select a resistance range.