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让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。Let's take a closer look at tattling.

为何不给「滥告状」一个新的称呼?Why not just give tattling a new name.

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告状人很胖,长着一个三角脑袋。The plaintiff was fat, with a triangular head.

告状到主子那里算什么本事。Sue in court lord the son is there reckon what capability.

你要知道,「滥告状」是一种具有社会倾向的侵犯。You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression.

他声称一定要去土肥原那里告状。He claimed that he must go to techniques namely original there.

不管你教那一年级,「滥告状」会在你班上发生。Regardless of the grade you teach, tattling will occur in your classroom.

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他们把眼光会合在莫里身上,用他们知道能稳赢的罪名告状他。They focused on Murray and charged him with what they know they could win.

玛利亚跑到警局告状,她控诉德·耶稣偷了她1000美元。She then went to the police to complain he had stolen 1000 dollars from her.

他朝我翻白眼,你自己坐在那里像个鬼似的,还恶人先告状。He gave me roll my eyes, you sit there like a ghost, but the wicked to complain.

他斥责卢局长私吞公物,扬言要到野夫那里告状。He rebuked Lou, director of the stolen property, threatening to the wild man there.

还没等梅婧向叶城告状,洪小玲却突然失踪了。Before Mei filed her complaint about Hong to her husband, Hong disappeared suddenly.

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俩人觉得工作太苦,不称心,干了几天又跑去向耿母告状。Two people think the hard work, not gratified, dry days and ran to tell mother 2001 heads.

那是他在街上无意中受理的一个进京上访告状案。It was in the street, he accidentally received a petition to Beijing to complain to the case.

因我们称它为「滥告状」,且把其定义是不好的,所以我们要努力把它从我们班上消除掉。Because we call it tattling and define that as bad, we work to eliminate it in our classrooms.

不一会儿告状声连绵不断,谁在推人,谁还没脱衣服\谁又在讲话了。After a while he sound without stop, who is pushing people, who haven't undress \ who in speech.

大约花一或两个月的时间,我班上滥告状的情形很快地不见了,我就是无法容忍此事。It takes about a month or two, but tattling ends quickly in my classroom. I just don't tolerate it.

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有一种特别的叫声,带着告状的哀怨的吱吱声,越来越常出现了。One particular bark, which has a telltale plaintive squeak to it, features more and more frequently.

在此之前3年的学前班里,Sprowal女士说,自己的儿子从来没有因为行为问题而遭到老师告状。In Matthew’s three years of preschool, Ms. Sprowal said, he had never missed time for behavior problems.

和大医院的职工们相比,小医院的小部分内科医师或者是医生不太会告状。Minority physicians or docs in small practices were less likely to blow the whistle than hospital staff.