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他们曾经丢失了45头羊和一条警卫犬。They had lost 45 sheep and a guard dog.

我记得有一只叫做杰克的小家伙,它的家族很优秀,它的祖父是我的头羊,名叫老阿比。I remember one little fellow. I named him Jake.

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可怜的托钵僧开始怀疑自己买的那头羊是否真的是羊了。The poor Dervise began to doubt whether the sheep which he had was a sheep or not.

确山县瓦岗乡瓦岗村有头羊叫做“羊坚强”。In the Hilcok village Hilock township Queshan mounty, there's a goat called "Goat Strong".

这头羊是当地所有良种刀郎羊的祖父。"That sheep is the grandfather of all the best pedigree Dolans in the region, " said Mr Liu.

他们回家后,杀了那头羊并烤熟了它。他们就着酒吃了羊肉,快乐无比。After they got home, they slaughtered the goat and roasted it. They washed it down with a lot of wine and had a good time.

钱秀珊现年37岁,跟丈夫有一个4岁的儿子,两夫妇以养60头羊和3头牛养家。Qian Xiushan, 37, and her husband provide for their family –their fouryear- old son –by tending about sixty sheep and three cows.

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其结果就是多利羊,即与提供乳腺细胞的那头羊一模一样的孪生羊,只是这头孪生羊晚出生了6年。The result was Dolly, the identical twin of the original sheep that provided the udder cells, but an identical twin born six years later.

领导是团队的先锋头羊、策划军师、指挥元帅,领导的一言一行甚至一笑一颦都可能对团队产生影响。Leading a team of pioneer sheep, planning army, division, command Marshal, led by words and deeds and even laugh wit may impact on the team.

自古以来年复一年,三百万至五百万头羊穿过这些畜牧群季节性移动的路线,并且经常支付跨城与跨山路的通行费。Every year for centuries, three to five million sheep transited through these transhumance trails, often paying tolls to cross towns and mountain passages.

果然过了几分钟,几百头羊从山坡上出现了,它们顺从地走进了羊圈。Sure enough, after several minutes, hundreds of sheep appear over the brow of the hill and obediently make their way into the pen. I ask Urmat how he did it.

在周末,据说P-45闯入马里布上面山上的两处农场,在其中一处杀死了10头羊驼,又在另一处杀死了一只羊和一只羊驼。Over the weekend, P-45 apparently broke into two *ranches in the hills above Malibu, killing 10 *alpacas at one property and a goat and an alpaca at the other.

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是那种损不足以益有余的人生,有的人眼睛永远只看着最长的那块板,永远只看见领头的头羊。Are not sufficient to benefit more than the kind of loss of life, some people only look at the eyes Forever longest piece of board, only to see Forever led goats.

两人冒充将要购买四十到五十头羊驼的畜农,这样一来他们不但可以得到参观农场的邀请信,而且签证也被批准。The pair had posed as livestock farmers interested in buying at least 40 to 50 alpacas so they could get a credible letter of invitation to visit his farm and be approved for visas.

但是随着头羊数量的增加和头羊收到的信息中的噪声增加,头羊-从羊的收益之差减少。But as the amount of the leader increases and the noise in the signal that the leaders receive increases, the difference between the profit of the leader and the followers decreases.

针对目前中国证券市场中普遍存在着个人投资者对机构投资者的羊群行为这一特殊现象,建立一个头羊-从羊模型。It is common in the Chinese securities market for the individual investors to herd on the institutional investors. This article builds ii model of leader-follower for this special phenomenon.

在16节中说,“神从天上降下火来”,可能是指受到从天上降下的雷电的袭击,这一次,约伯损失了7000头羊和很多仆人。Then in verse 16, fire from heaven falls, probably lightning from heaven. A bolt so fierce that it runs along the ground and electrifies everything. Job loses 7000 sheep and once again many servants.