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硝酸银是一种盐类化合物。Acids react with bases to form salts.

里面分别是氯化钠溶液和硝酸银溶液。This is the table salt and this is the silver nitrate.

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可以用亚硝酸汞来代替亚硝酸银。Instead of silver nitrite mercuric nitrite may be used.

这儿水里溶解了,硝酸银。Here I have water in which I dissolved some silver nitrate.

而硝酸银可偶尔用于治疗疣和鸡眼。And silver nitrate is occasionally used to treat warts and corns.

好了,这是硝酸银,而这是氯化钠,我将两者混合。So I have here silver nitrate and there I have sodium chloride and I mix the two.

我让已被重铬酸钾硬化的一些脑组织细胞与硝酸银反应。I let the silver nitrate react with pieces of brain hardened in potassium dichromate.

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结果组织块经过硝酸银块染色后制出的切片,其锥体细胞显示清晰。Results Through sections prepared by this method, pyramidal cells were sharply displayed.

首次发现黑麦染色体的核仁组成中心区、着丝点和端粒均能用硝酸银染色。It was found that NORs, kinetochores and telomeres could all be stained by silver nitrate.

研究了从废感光材料中制备硝酸银的工艺。A new method of silver nitrate preparation from waste photosensitive materials has studied.

该工艺可推广到硝酸银消耗量较大的其他化验室。Therefore, this method can be popularized to other laboratory consuming large silver nitrate.

目的证实硝酸银对常见呼吸道病原体具有抑制作用。Objective To determine the inhibition effects of silver nitrate on common respiratory pathogens.

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结论硝酸银对常见呼吸道病原体有明显的抑制作用。Conclusion Silver nitrate was of obviously the inhibitory effects on common respiratory pathogens.

对硝酸银滴定法测定水中氯化物含量的测量不确定度进行评定。Methods of testing cement. Determination of the chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali content of cement.

使用带有氯离子的硝酸银标准溶液,采用滴定测试法检测样本。硝酸汞滴定剂可用于较低级别的检测。The sample is titrated with a standard solution of silver nitrate with chromate used as the indicator.

采用细菌培养法观察硝酸银对肺炎链球菌和乙型溶血型链球菌的抑制作用。Observing the inhibition effect of silver nitrate on Pneumococci and Streptococci by bacterium culture.

论述了利用骨灰吸附硝酸银并用其制作杀菌陶瓷的方法。The manufacturing process of bactericide ceramics, using bone ashes to absorb silver, has been studied.

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我吞下更多的硝酸银,直到我的皮肤从灰色变成了蓝色,这是那毒药的副作用。I swallowed even more silver nitrate, until my skin went from gray to blue, a side effect of the poison.

提出了一种从硝酸银废液中回收银新方法,可直接得到成品银。It is presented that a new method directly producing product silver from waste silver nitrate solutions.

好不容易才用氯化洗剂和硝酸银治愈了坏疽。It was not without difficulty that the chloruretted lotions and the nitrate of silver overcame the gangrene.