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他突然察觉自己身无分文,也没带证件。He is aware he is impecunious suddenly, also did not carry certificate.

赛斯尔·弗雷德约翰,我的父亲,来自于一个贫穷的爱尔兰犹太家庭。Cecil Fridjohn, my father, came from an impecunious Irish Jewish family.

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身无分文的他意志消沉,沦落到街头做乞丐。He impecunious is demoralized, be reduced to poverty does beggar to street.

他们独立自主的,囊中羞涩的,并且能够忍受各种不便。They are independent, impecunious and able to tolerate all degrees of discomfort.

但是有一事儿却是肯定的。他得先挣点钱,因为他现在可是身无分文呢。But one thing is sure, he must go to earn some money first for he is impecunious now.

她与一位贫穷的英国外交官坠人了情网,但遭到父亲的反对。She also fell in love with an impecunious British diplomat, who was rejected by her father.

然而,1660年王室复辟又给这些没落的保皇党带来了东山再起的机会,马尔伯勒没有错过。Yet the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 created opportunities for impecunious Royalists , and Marlborough availed himself of them.

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而且带出来的现金适逢通货膨胀而贬值,遂由中产地主变成几乎身无分文的难民。Furthermore, the value of the currency they brought with them diminished with inflation. His family was thus transformed from middle-class landlords into almost impecunious refugees.

可怜的温塞特正是为了这种爱好快要饿死了,阿切尔也如临其境地怀着羡慕之心看着这个热情洋溢的穷青年,他在贫困中活得是那样富足。As it was precisely of that love that poor Winsett was starving to death, Archer looked with a sort of vicarious envy at this eager impecunious young man who had fared so richly in his poverty.

克林顿夫人要冻结次级抵押贷款利率五年。对所有其他人来说,此举会大幅提高利率,加速房价崩溃,阻碍银行贷款给穷光蛋。She would freeze interest rates on subprime mortgages for five years, which would hike rates for everyone else, accelerate the collapse of house prices and deter banks from lending to the impecunious.