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促进货品销售。Liquidates sales merchandise.

谁可以生产501军团产品?Who Can Buy 501st Merchandise?

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五集邮及其相关商品。Philately and related merchandise.

他们蹬货物质量卉好。Their merchandise of high quality.

他们给商品加标签了吗?Have they ticketed the merchandise?

他们把货物送交我们。They delivered the merchandise to us.

我们把货物送交给他们。We delivered the merchandise to them.

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货物堆积如山。Merchandise is piled up mountain-high.

从哪里可以找到更多的货源?Where can you go to find more merchandise?

我们可以退给您商品优待券吗?。May we pay you back in merchandise coupons?

物件防窃,安全管理。Merchandise anti-theft security management.

哦,是吗?哪些商品是买一送一呢?Oh? With what sort of merchandise or items?

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这些削价商品不打折。No discount for these off-price merchandise.

这批货与发货单不符。The merchandise does not check with invoice.

一个商人的商品质量很好。A merchant's merchandise were of high quality.

你可以在QAF商店购买到。You can purchase merchandise at the QAF store.

绿色、健康、新颖、安全的茶类商品。Green, health, novel, safety of tea merchandise.

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还有多款产品获得国家专利!Merchandise is also available in the State Patent!

码头工人把货物卸在码头上。The dockers disburdened the merchandise at the dock.

你现在将有一个都是少女革命欧帝娜商品的列表。You will now have a full listing of SKU merchandise.