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该酶对苎麻脱胶有较好的特异性。The enzyme had better specificity for ramie retting.

上述酶类需要在苎麻脱胶过程中作进一步的研究。The above results should be testified by ramie degumming process.

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研究了一种苎麻生物脱胶方法—厌氧微生物法。A method for ramie degumming by anaerobic microorganism was conducted.

讨论了酶处理苎麻织物的影响因素。The factors influencing enzymatic treatment of ramie fabric were discussed.

从服装面料看,中国最早使用的纺织品是葛布、苎麻布和大麻布。From the fabric, used first in China Textiles hemp, ramie cloth and large burlap.

因此,氢氧化钠是在这项工作中所使用的预处理苎麻纤维。Thus, sodium hydroxide was used in this work for the pretreatment of ramie fiber.

通过实验,对竹原纤维纱线和苎麻纤维纱线的基本性能作了对比分析。Some comparision researches of bamboo fibril yarn and ramie fibril yarn were made.

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简要阐述苎麻织物刺痒感产生的原因,探讨酶柔处理以降低其刺痒感的方法。This paper has briefly introduced cause that leads to the scratchiness of ramie fabric.

苎麻纱及织物的生产加工始于80年代初期。The production of ramie gauze and fabric is machined only then at 80 time initial stage.

本文系综合研究苎蔴新工艺的初步试验报告。This paper is a report of a preliminary survey on a new process of ramie yarn production.

在不同生长期收割苎麻,然后分别对其纤维结构及品质进行了研究。The fiber structure and quality of the ramie with different growth period were researched.

既然不同票苎麻混装了,船方就得支付分标志费。Since the ramie of different lots has been mixed up, the ship has to pay for sorting marks.

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最后对乙烯与苎麻的性别决定进行了讨论。Finally, the relationships of ethylene and sexual differentiation of ramie were also discussed.

我们的产品主要是梭织布料,例如亚麻、苎麻、棉线与数种混合的布料。Our products are made of fine woven fabrics, such as linen, ramie , cotton and blended fabrics.

探讨了苎麻落麻纤维无纺毡复合材料的应用。The application possibility of non-woven noil ramie fiber mat in composites was also discussed.

本文对苎麻罗拉梳麻机的喂给机构与梳理质量的关系进行了讨论。This paper deals with the feed mechanism of ramie roller card and its effect in carding quality.

苎麻为武陵山区农村经济发展和农民增收发挥了重要作用。Ramie plays an important role in the development of economy and the income of peasants in Wuling.

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亚麻纱、亚麻布、苎麻纱、苎麻布、棉布、交织织物、混纺纱等。Linen yarn, linen fabric, ramie yarn & fabric, cotton fabric, interwoven fabric, blended yarn etc.

确定了采用吸尽法和浸轧法进行苎麻改性的最佳工艺。The optimized process of exhaustion and pad- dry-cure methods for ramie modification were determined.

但是因苎麻纤维结晶度高,刚性大,粗糙坚硬,有较强的刺痒感。However, due to the high crystallinity, rigidness and roughness of ramie fiber, it had strong prickle.