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睡眠是一个动力。Sleep is a motivation.

你的动机是什么?What’s Your Motivation?

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你的动力是什么?What is your motivation?

感恩和动机。Gratitude and motivation.

也并非是你的动机It's not your motivation.

你有实现它的动力吗?Do you have the motivation?

但是首先,什么是动机?But first, what is motivation?

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梅氏论证的动力。The motivation of Mei's proof.

5种顶级毒药,关于我们的行为动机。The Top 5 Poisons of Motivation

这个原动力,就是“爱”!This motivation is love itself.

均平作为乐捐的一个动力Equality as a Motivation in Giving

他们的动机不同于我的。Their motivation is other than me.

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我们用什么作为动力呢?What we use as our motivation here.

错把内疚和羞愧当动机。Using guilt and shame as motivation.

未经思考的动机。Not thinking through your motivation.

狗贩子的动机也是钱。The dealers motivation is also money.

就是因为你有了正确的动机。Because you have the right motivation.

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像食物和饮品一样的动力。It is a motivation like food or drink.

无时无刻记住你的动机。Remember your motivation at all times.

贪婪只是他们的动机之一。Greed is only part of their motivation.