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今天的亚述语被认为是阿卡得语的方言。Nowadays Assyrian is considered a dialect of Akkadian.

亚述族的武士曾用芬香的油料来卷曲他们的长胡子。Assyrian warriors curled their long beards with scented oils.

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同样,在中亚述法典里,对杀人罪的惩罚取决于死者家人。In the middle Assyrian laws also, homicide--it's up to the family.

日本印刷与亚述之门。但是别遗漏了这些伊特鲁利亚人。Lindow Man and medieval clocks, Japanese prints and Assyrian gates.

亚述王在上帝公义的审判中扮演那两种角色?What double roles did Assyrian king play in God's righteous judgment?

首先,土地私有化影响到亚述帝国的财政。Firstly, land privatization affected the finances of the Assyrian Empire.

公元前752年期间,亚拉姆语成为了亚述帝国的第二官方语言。Aramaic was made the second official language of the Assyrian empire in 752 B.

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其中一个与亚述人版本非常相似,拥有攻击架式的波状翅膀。In one it is very much like the Assyrian version, with squared-off wavy wings.

亚述必因上主的声音而战栗,上主必用刑杖击打亚述。For at the voice of the Lord the Assyrian shall fear being struck with the rod.

亚述文提及的国家命名为Partakka或Partukka在第七世纪。Assyrian texts mention a country named Partakka or Partukka in the seventh century.

我认为莱维发现的建筑是公元前8世纪亚述人平行修建的堡垒之一。I see Tom's building as an eighth-century Assyrian fortress parallel to the other one.

亚述人进入我们的地境,践踏的时候,他必拯救我们。He will deliver us from the Assyrian when he invades our land and marches into our borders.

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耶和华阿,亚述诸王果然使列国和列国之地变为荒凉It is true, O Lord , that the Assyrian kings have laid waste these nations and their lands.

亚述人基督教徒也是一个显著的少数民族,他们居住在叙利亚北部和东北部。The Assyrian Christians are also a notable minority that lives in north and northeast Syria.

事关亚述人希望神看在牲畜份上,饶他们一次也未可知?Is related to the Assyrian people want to look at livestock were gods on, spare their once unknown?

中国皇帝,亚述诸王以及中世纪都表现出在植物展示中吸收美。Chinese emperors, Assyrian kings and medieval poets all reflected absorptionwithbeauty in plant displays.

对语言的解读大体上在1851年完成,这种语言首先被称为亚述语。The decipherment of the language was in essence completed in 1851 and the language was first called Assyrian.

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当夜,耶和华的使者出去,在亚述营中杀了十八万五千人。That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp.

但是这次却是个例外,刚过完这节日没多久,我就听到了一个令人沮丧的消息,说是亚述军队入侵以色列了。I was sad and scared when the Passover ended because just as it ended, the news came that Assyrian army was invading Israel.

耶和华就差遣一个使者进入亚述王营中,把所有大能的勇士和官长,将帅尽都灭了。And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the leaders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king.