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我晕船。I get seasick.

服务员,我晕船。Porter, I'm feeling seasick.

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在航行中他晕船。He got seasick during the voyage.

我以前从没晕过船。I've never gotten seasick before.

我就不能靠近船.我晕船.I can't go near boats.I get seasick.

渡海时很平静,因此没人晕船。The cross was very calm. So no one was seasick.

她会晕船?那鱼也得学游泳了。She's seasick?I'd sooner teach a fish how to swim.

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海面波涛汹涌,半数旅客晕船。The sea was rough and half the passengers were seasick.

当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻食物的气味。You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.

有人戴蓝色眼镜旅行,可以减轻晕车、晕船的症状。Somebody wears blue glasses to travel, can relieve carsick , seasick symptom.

船长格兰特在这家公司已经13年了,还是有点晕船。Grant, the captain, has been with the company for 13 years. He still gets seasick.

晕车、晕船的病人,出发前应服用1至2片乘晕宁。Carsick , seasick patient, before setting out, should take 1 take dizzy peace to 2.

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因航行途中晕船厉害,被提前遣送回乡。During the voyage, he was terribly seasick and deported back to his home ahead of time.

在船要沉没的场景,你在观看电影时实际上能感到有点晕船。In the scenes where the ship is sinking, you actually feel a little seasick watching it.

她很担心会晕船,可是旅伴们同她说说笑笑,使她忘了晕船的事。She was very much worried about getting seasick , but fellow-travellors laughed her out of it.

如果当你看三维立体游戏时感到晕眩,那么这件费时的事可能不适合你。If you get seasick when looking at three-dimensional games, this time waster might not be for you.

从那里出发,在经历了两天两夜的惊涛骇浪和昏天黑地的晕船后,终于,我站在了南极大陆上。From there on, enduring two days of stormy and seasick voyage, finally I stepped onto the land of Antarctica.

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达尔文晕船,唯一的快乐是在岸上收集植物标本和观察动物的时候。Darwin was terribly seasick and was only happy when he was ashore collecting plant samples and observing animals.

我也不知道为什么第一次在海上长途颠簸,并且还遭遇了太平洋上恶劣的坏天气,我都竟然没有晕船。I can't understand why I wasn't seasick on that first, long trip across the Pacific for we had some rough weather.

国玉米期货市场上如有任何人对近几周玉米期货的大幅波动感到头晕目眩,这都是可以理解的。Anyone in the U.S corn futures market could be forgiven for feeling seasick after the sharp swings of recent weeks.