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这钥匙圈是我们的。The key ring is ours.

我们那儿是个小县份。Ours is a small county.

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这些座位肯定是我们的。These seats must be ours.

我们的社会是个世俗社会。Ours is a secular society.

我们房子的门朝南”。Ours is the southern door.

使老鼠变得更“像”我们。To make it more like ours.

那你对我们的乡村有什么想法?What do you think of ours?

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我们是合法经营的。Ours is a lawful operation.

他们的农场和我们的农场相毗连。Their farm abuts upon ours.

那一天将全归我侪。Shall be ours upon that day.

他的意见与我们的不一致。His opinion jarred with ours.

我们的钱瞬间就翻倍。We'll double ours in a jiffy.

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我们的婚姻是包办的。Ours was an arranged marriage.

一辆汽车停在我们的车旁边。A car pulled up alongside ours.

这座山是由我们所保护的。The mountain is ours to protect.

他们的利益与我们的利益冲突。Their interest clashed with ours.

盘子上的曲奇饼是我们的。The cookies on the plate are ours.

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你们的房子有点像我们的。Your house is something like ours.

她把她的船停靠在我们船边。She moored her boat alongside ours.

我告诉过你,这是我们的地盘。I told you, these were some of ours.