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对支持者和反对者不偏不倚的评价。An unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons.

他极力证明自己是没有成见的。He leaned over backwards to prove he was unprejudiced.

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只有两种办法可以做到不偏不倚。There are only two ways to be quite unprejudiced and impartial.

我们必须诚实并且毫无偏见地来分析它。We must be honest and unprejudiced as we attempt to analyze it.

他在竞选宣言中谈道,我将是我们所热爱的足球的激情洋溢的公仆。I will be the passionate and unprejudiced servant of the football we all love.

这个故事是关于一颗公正的心,以及它如何永远地改变了我们的山谷。This is a tale about an unprejudiced heart, and how it changed our valley for ever.

了解实相需要巨大的容量,敏锐和不带偏见的心意。To understand what is requires an enormous capacity, a swift and unprejudiced mind.

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网络是唯一有能力无偏见地发展或无引导地学习的组织形式。The only organization capable of unprejudiced growth, or unguided learning, is a network.

要想使人心服口服,不会背叛,那就必须做到“卮言日出,和以天倪”。To convince and conform others really, you have to speak of unprejudiced word so as to reach the nature realm.

禅宗大师曾经指导初学者以一种无成见的“新手思维”接近禅宗冥想。Zen masters once instructed novice disciples to approach zen meditation with an unprejudiced "beginner's mind."

多年以来,在这个问题上有着不同的认识,需不抱任何成见的进行研究和探讨。Since there have been disparities in opinions on the issue for many years, unprejudiced research and study are needed.

莫斯科公审在其施行中就是为了要使得使得任何无知人相信它确证了事实。That the conduct of the Moscow Trials was such as to convince any unprejudiced person that no attempt was made to ascertain the truth.

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中国希望欧盟不带偏见的客观评价中国的经济条件,尽可能较快承认中国的完全市场经济地位。U. will evaluate the conditions of the Chinese economy in an objective and unprejudiced manner and recognize China's full market economy status as soon as possible.

一般的学术研究群体认可的研究、严格的应用方法论和公正的推理分析到底如何影响了所展示的工程呢?How might what the general academic research community considers as research, rigorously applied methodology, and unprejudiced analysis, have affected the projects shown?

他们的职责是帮助人们无需偿还,所以我们应该呼吁社会培养公正的官员,谁做的事非法的,我们应该惩罚他们。Their duty is helping people without repayso we should call on the society to cultivate unprejudiced officials. The ones who did things illegallywe should punish them heavily.

中国希望欧盟不带偏见的客观评价中国的经济条件,尽可能较快承认中国的完全市场经济地位。China hopes that the E.U. will evaluate the conditions of the Chinese economy in an objective and unprejudiced manner and recognize China’s full market economy status as soon as possible.