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举证责任如何分配?。How to divide onus probandi?

现在需要担负起责任的是莫迪。The immediate onus is on Modi.

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举证责任的分配则是举证责任的核心。The distribution of onus probandi is it's core.

于是造谣者就有义务为自己辩解。Then, the onus is on the rumormonger to explain themselves.

不好的一面是要负担每个平台的交叉编译工作。The downside is the onus of cross-compiling to each platform.

长久以来,女人一直背负着“教化男人”的重任。WOMEN have long been saddled with the onus of “civilizing men.”

所以,我们为人父母要担负起这个责任,在这其中找到平衡点。So the onus is on us — the parents — to strike the right balance.

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巴基斯坦政府现在有责任采取有诚意的行动。The onus now is on the government of Pakistan to act with sincerity.

这将把控制服务和待处理案件的责任转嫁到各州政府头上。This puts the onus of controlling services and caseloads onto the states.

责任在卡加梅现在表现的更加坚定,以便为自己辩解开脱。The onus is now firmly on Mr Kagame to explain himself more fully and openly.

最后论述了举证责任倒置时的证明效果。Last of this chapter, discuss the prove effect when convert the onus probandi.

不过,为了消除这种看法,实际上举证责任仍落在了职场“老”人身上。But the fact remains that the onus falls on the older worker to dispel this belief.

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Leipziger表示,现在,所有的发展中国家应负起责任,克服“瓶颈”,以达成协议。Leipziger says the onus is now on all countries to overcome the bottlenecks to striking a deal.

他在1946年清理纳粹的过程中被是清白的,他从未摆脱过他那浮士德式交易的阴影。Although he was denazified in 1946, he could never quite escape the onus of his Faustian bargain.

这样的提问可以把责任放到客户身上,让他们解释自己需要什么,这很重要。This type of questioning puts the onus on the client to explain what they want, which is crucial.

凭借其杰出的内部空间,新甘果已对空间的责任和共享的乘坐体验。With its outstanding roominess , New Kangoo has put the onus on space and the shared ride experience.

我国目前可以考虑用法律解释的方法解决举证责任分配问题。In present age, China can consider solve the allocation of onus probandi by means of legal explanation.

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他们有义务提出让六方会谈的其他成员国都满意的申报。The onus is on them to come up with a declaration that satisfies the other members of the six-party talks.

作为社会监管部门之一的审计,有义务担负起治理环境的责任。Audit, as one of the social supervision departments, has the onus to afford the environmental responsibility.

平衡利弊,这是一场值得尝试的赌局–相当重要的原因是希拉里将承担责任。On balance, this is a gamble just worth taking-not least because it puts the onus on Mrs Clinton to make it work.