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由胶水协调的不透光水彩。An opaque watercolor bound with gum.

水彩农村房子标识。Watercolor countryside house logotype.

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使用薄刷油漆水彩树木。Use thin brush to paint watercolor trees.

我一直惊叹于美丽的水彩画。I am always amazed at the beauty of watercolor.

首先用铅笔轻力在水彩纸上起稿。Draft the townhouse on watercolor paper with pencil.

酞颜色通常用在水彩画。Phthalo colors are often used in watercolor painting.

纹理水彩颜料时,天空仍是湿的。Texture a watercolor sky when the paint is still wet.

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使用水彩颜料来润色宝丽来转移。Use watercolor paints to touch up Polaroid transfers.

我认为最漂亮的流鼻血都是在水彩画。I think the prettiest nosebleeds are done in watercolor.

主要擅长工笔画和水彩画。She is an expert in watercolor and fine brushwork paintings.

水彩颜料可以用来为图画涂色,或者直接用来绘画。Watercolor paint can be used to color drawings or by itself.

一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一幅水彩画。One looked everywhere green scene, like a watercolor painting.

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我的叔叔在墨西哥时画了一幅漂亮的日落水彩画。My uncle did a beautiful watercolor of a sunset while in Mexico.

了解如何在这个自由组合艺术课视频水彩颜料。Learn how to mix watercolor paints in this free art lesson video.

摩荷擅长风俗画、历史画和水彩画。MOREAU specialized in genre, historical paintings, and watercolor.

阿干在水彩画技法使用非常少的水。A dry brush technique in watercolor painting uses very little water.

他的水彩画在全国大赛中得了一等奖。His paint in watercolor won the first prize in national competition.

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开始素描或者开始一幅水彩画,我的想象开始飞翔。I would begin a sketch or watercolor and fall into a waking reverie.

了解如何水彩颜料飞溅在这个自由的艺术课视频。Learn how to watercolor splatter paint in this free art lesson video.

有几种方法可以删除水彩颜料时是湿的或干。There are several ways to remove watercolor paints when it is wet or dry.