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乔伊老是弄脏衬衫。Joey keeps staining his shirts.

克尼什是个纽约传奇人物。Joey Knish is a New York legend.

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小布偶乔伊说再见?。Bye-bye, little puppet Joey hand?

母袋鼠把小袋鼠召唤到自己身边。His mother calls joey to her side.

乔伊•雷蒙写了一首关于我的歌。Joey Ramone wrote a song about me.

我的儿子琼尼降生时,他的双脚向上弯弯着。My son Joey was born with club feet.

罗斯和乔伊厌烦地看着他。Ross and Joey are watching disgustedly.

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小袋鼠叫朱宜,住在它妈妈的前袋里。The joey lives there for about 8 months.

一只小考拉在悉尼野生世界。A baby joey koala at Sydney's Wildlife World.

维多利亚,一只幼小的袋鼠在妈妈肚子的口袋里。A joey gets a ride from its mother in Victoria.

一只母袋鼠和她的小宝宝。五月十九日摄于雪梨。A mother and her joey in Sydney on May 19, 2008.

母亲和小袋鼠也开始逃跑。The mother and her joey make their getaway, too.

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新年的时候,乔伊又回了卡洛尔和布莱克家。By New Year’s, Joey was back at Carol and Blake’s.

帕蒂抱怨说,乔伊太过于得天独厚。Things came, Patty complained, too easily to Joey.

乔伊·奥科患有高胆固醇和2型糖尿病Joey Aucoin, Has High Cholesterol And Type-2 Diabetes

侨依和钱德勒在怂恿他去和她搭话。Joey and Chandler are egging him on to go talk to her.

我现在在新加坡的青年旅社,新加坡有了我太多的第一次。Joey says Hello to everyone at youth center in Singpore!

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同一个颁奖礼上,容祖儿抱走最佳女演唱人奖。At the same awards, Joey Yung was voted best female singer.

乔伊在床上蹦蹦跳跳时把手摔到脱臼。Joey falls while jumping on the bed and dislocates his arm.

乔伊怎么老说扫烟囱和传教士?。Why does Joey keep talking about chimney sweeps and vicars?