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毫无疑问,社区服务能有助于再就业。To be sure, community service can aid reemployment.

第三节阐述了宜宾市政府在再就业中的作用。In the third section, role of government in reemployment is stated.

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加大对就业再就业的政策支持和资金投入。We increased policy support and spending to expand employment and reemployment.

下岗职工由于自身条件的限制,在重新就业时面临着诸多困难。For the limitation of their own conditions, laid-off workers confronted many difficulties in reemployment.

下岗和再就业是当前全社会普遍关注的问题。At present, the out-off-work and reemployment problem attract extensive and close attention of the whole society.

认真落实促进下岗失业人员再就业的各项政策措施。Policies and measures designed to encourage reemployment of laid-off workers must be conscientiously carried out.

劳动者达到退休年龄后,返聘劳动,对其定性有劳动关系与劳务关系两种观点。Views are divided on the legal nature of the conduct of retirees reemployment as whether it is of labor relation or service relation.

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本文以杭州市的调查数据为基础,探讨了家庭因素对失业者再就业行为的影响。Based on the survey data of HangZhou city, this paper analyzes the family effects on the reemployment decision-making of the unemployed.

社会保障体系的基本框架初步形成,再就业工程成就巨大,住房制度改革有了新的突破,文化,教育、科技、广播影视、新闻出版、卫生和体育等各项社会事业全面发展。Great achievements have been scored in the reemployment programme. New breakthroughs have been made in the reform of the housing system.

国家经贸委负责全国企业兼并破产和职工再就业的组织协调工作。The Work Plan for the Enterprise Merger and Bankruptcy and the Reemployment of Workers of a pilot city shall be formulated once every year.

一个用于定期联系申领人以便审查他们领取保险金的资格、求职活动以及再就业需要的计划。A program under which claimants are periodically contacted to review their eligibility for benefits, work search activities, and reemployment needs.

所以,本文不支持失业者由于就业期望过高而制约其再就业的看法。The current study does not support the view that over-expectation of reemployment will restrict the reemployment-oriented behaviors of the unemployed.

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逐步建立健全城市扶贫机制,实施再就业工程,广泛开辟就业门路。We will gradually set up and consummate poverty-relief system in cities and carry out the project of reemployment by expanding the ways of employment.

国务院要求各级部门搞好职业培训,拓宽就业门路,推进再就业工程。The State Council required departments at all levels to organize job training, open up new avenues of employment and promote the reemployment projects.

中央财政今年安排再就业补助资金251亿元,比上年增加42亿元。A total of 25.1 billion yuan will be allocated from the central government budget this year for reemployment work, 4.2 billion yuan more than last year.

因此,促进下岗失业人员实现再就业,是减少城市贫困,实现社会经济可持续发展的重要措施。The encouragement of reemployment of laid-off worker is an important measures to reduce urban poverty and achieve sustainable socioeconomic development.

在一户工人家中,胡锦涛敦促当地政府解决贫困人口所面临的困难,组织下岗职工进行再就业培训。In a worker's family, he urged local officials to resolve problems that needy people face and organize trainings for the reemployment of laid-off workers.

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2008年全球金融危机的到来,使得本就严峻的农民工就业形势更是雪上加霜,农民工的就业与再就业问题越来越成为人们关注的焦点。The 2008 global financial crisis made the employment of rural workers more difficult. The employment and reemployment of rural workers became focal problems.

在此基础上,借鉴美国的做法,对我国的下岗工人培训提出了建设性建议。Secondly, gives some structural suggestions to China' s community colleges on the serving and training and therefore the reemployment of Chinese layoff workers.

加大对军工、森工等困难行业下岗职工再就业的支持力度。More support will be given to the reemployment of workers laid off from the defense industry, the logging industry and other industries experiencing difficulties.