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驮金的驴子无险阻。An ass lade with gold overtake every thing.

在这些事情没有做完之前,我们真的不能安排其他计划。We shouldn't really make any plans until the fat lade sings.

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拉德范地区是南部分裂势力的主要据点之一。Lade Fan separatist forces in the southern region is one of the main strongholds.

“如卖方未能在规定的装船期限内装船,买方有权提出罚款”。你看好不好?How about " if saler could not lade cargo before shipment, buyer have the right to counterclaim "?

对司机把握装载量,防止超载和监控货物等都有很好的作用。Its action is very well for driver controling lade weight, deicing overload and keeping watch on the cargoes , ect.

这种人文美的蕴含,使玉超越了其“山岳精英”的自然属性,而包蕴了中国人的人文精神。The implication of humanity beauty has made lade exceed its natural attribute, and wrap up the Chinese humanity spirit.

更本没有必要为此担心,该航母的龙骨是25年前建的,在当今世界该航母也称不上什么好的训练舰只。There is absolutely no concern over the Chinese ship that's keel was lade 25 years ago. Not even a good training ship in today's world.

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见到一些装载过重、行车缓慢的黄鱼车,值班人员立即帮其推车,加快车辆周转。See a few lade the yellow croaker car with overweight, slow drive a vehicle, be on duty personnel helps its go-cart instantly, accelerate car have enough to meet need.

介绍了运城盐湖卤水组成的变迁过程以及产生这些变迁的原因,并对运城盐湖的平衡开采提出了建议。This paper discusses the process of changes in brine composition of Yuncheng Saline Lade and possible cause. Advice is made on balanced exploitation of Yuncheng Saline Lake.

航运企业早已使用EDI媒介来实现国际信息交流,装运证实和分隔计划或装载计划都可通过电信来传输。Shipping company uses EDI agency to realize international information communication already, shipping proof and space plan or lade the plan can be transmitted through telecommunication.