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因为鼻塞,我今天讲话都有鼻音。My nosy is stuffy so I sound all nasally today.

你觉得她们是否精神抑郁或者只是鼻子不灵敏的问题?Do you think they're depressed or just nasally insensitive?

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天花板上的顶灯会造成鼻下的阴影,连刮胡子都不方便。The dome light on the ceiling can cause the shadow that leaves nasally , shave repeatedly no-go.

Bartz说,吸入的后叶催产素同样夸大了男性对其母亲的回忆,无论这一回忆是好是坏。Nasally inhaling oxytocin also magnifies men’s memories of their mothers as being either supportive or not, Bartz says.

必要时可鼻管吸引,但吸引动作要轻,不要损伤支气管粘膜。Can be in charge of nasally when necessary attract, but attract a movement to want light, do not injure bronchus mucous membrane.

鼻部出血的现象在冬季节最容易发生,有个医学名词叫“鼻衄”。The phenomenon that nose ministry bleeds is inWinterThe section is the most incidental, a medical noun cries " nosebleed nasally ".

我对ED歌曲却没有这样的感受,那个演唱带有过于造作的鼻音,伴唱组的表演质量也不高。I did not feel the same way about the ending theme. That vocalist was nasally with a cutesy sounding voice, and the group vocals in the chorus were cheesy.

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如果你操作得当的话,用这个鼻贴,不但能拔出黑头,而且可以收缩毛孔,不会跟你买的鼻贴似的把毛孔拉大。If you operate apt word, stick nasally with this, not only can pull out black head, and OK and contractive pore, the bazoo that won't buy with you is stuck like pull pore big.

鼻贴的效果不彻底,经常去美容院对鼻子部位的皮肤和毛孔都是不小的损害,所以除黑头重在日常护理。The effect that sticks nasally is not complete, often going to beauty parlour is not small harm to the skin of nose place and pore, be in again except black head so nurse daily.

方法昆明种小鼠滴鼻感染流感病毒FM1后腹腔注射板蓝根提取液,观察板蓝根提取液的抗病毒作用。Method FM1 virus was dropped nasally in Kunming mice, then intraperitoneally injected extraction of Radix isatidis to them, the antiviral effects of Radix isatidis were observed.

昆明种小鼠滴鼻传染流感病毒FM1后腹腔打针板蓝根提取液,观察板蓝根提取液的抗病毒感化。FM1 virus was dropped nasally in Kunming mice, then the animals were control intraperitoneally injected extract of Radix isatidis, the antiviral effects of Radix isatidis were observed.

另外,在感冒流行季节,房间的空气要流通,或服一些抗病毒的药物,另外还可以随身带个“鼻通”。Additional, in cold popularity season, the air of the room wants current, or the medicaments that takes poison of a few disease-resistant, still can take additionally " connect nasally ".

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在此,记者提醒消费者,在购买胶粘剂时可以采用“鼻闻”的方法,假如胶粘剂散发着强烈的刺激性气味,那么多半是有害物质含量超标了。Here, the reporter warns customer, can use when buying adhesive " hear nasally " method, if adhesive is sending out intense excitant odour, be harmful material content exceeds bid likely so.

指出,在使通用疫苗发挥效力的同时,我们针对滴鼻剂要在操作时保护鼻子,而不像注射流感疫苗不需要医学专业技能。Or a universal vaccine to be effective, however, Fiers pointed out that it must be administered nasally because nose drops, unlike flu shots, don't require medical expertise to be administered.