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——你不会有仓库吗?。You don't have a stockroom?

让我到仓库找找。let me look at the stockroom.

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让我到仓库找找。let's me look at the stockroom.

仓库里有安全搬运器出售。The stockroom has safety carriers for sale.

额外的办公用品都锁在储藏室裡。The extra office supplies are kept locked up in the stockroom.

仓库使用工具箱引入检查。The stockroom used kits from bins that incoming inspection filled.

日常仓库管理活动的开展和进行,保证料账1致。Daily stockroom activities and make the match between physical and.

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你可以到蕴藏室看看碳粉匣有无剩。You can walk to the stockroom to see if there's any toner cartridge left.

你可以到蕴藏室看看碳粉匣有没有剩。You can wingk to the stockroom to see if there's any toner cfine artridge left.

我得把这些信件打出来,把这些报告归档,再把储藏室整理好。I've got to type these letters, to file these reports and to tidy the stockroom.

这是当时有很多在陈列室窗口,并没有在贮藏室。It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.

与此同时,辛尼迪公司还应四川灾区的要求,积极组织活动板房的生产和采购。Besides, upon request of the disaster-hit area, Al Senidi actively organized the purchase and manufacture activity of stockroom.

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由于爱迪生跳出框框思维,仓库保持着不寻常的工具和材料,他认为可能在某一点上派上用场。Because Edison thought outside the box, the stockroom maintained unusual tools and materials that he thought might come in handy at some point.

从仓库到柜枱,我们要让员工做好充份准备和训练,把每一件事都做到最好。From the back door of the stockroom to the front office, we need to have our personnel prepared and trained to do a superior job at every level.

从仓库的后门到前面的办公室,我们要让各阶层的人有所准备并训练,做好事情。From the back door of the stockroom to the front office, we need to have our personnel prepared and trained to do a superior job at every level.

之间的360平方米的大型办公翼,在落客处,它是一个命令桥梁想起,而库房有直接通视。Between the 360 square metres large office wing, over the loading bays it is reminiscent of a command bridge, and the stockroom there is direct intervisibility.