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突尼斯害怕邻近的利比亚。Tunisia is afraid of neighboring Libya.

2006年,多萝茜在突尼斯度假时认识了拉法。She met him on a holiday in Tunisia in 2006.

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昔日连接突尼斯与意大利的陆桥。A land bridge that once connected tunisia and italy.

“阿拉伯*”的民主运动始于突尼斯。The "Arab S*" pro-democracy movement began in Tunisia.

突尼斯目前的生育率与法国相仿。Tunisia now has a birth rate similar to that of France.

“阿拉伯之春”亲民主运动始发于突尼斯。The "Arab Spring" pro-democracy movement began in Tunisia.

米米和她的家人前往突尼斯与父亲团聚。Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.

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一个主要的战斗发生在西部的凯瑟琳山口突尼斯举行。A major battle took place at Kasserine Pass in western Tunisia.

突尼斯和埃及政府已经被推翻,并且双双榜上有名。Tunisia and Egypt both make the list, and have been overthrown.

这里,人都也感到憎恶,甚至比突尼斯人更强烈。Here, the people are sick too — more so than they were in Tunisia.

宰因·阿比丁·本·阿里统治下的突尼斯是一个极权国家。Under President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisia was a police state.

有几百名儿童在突尼斯和埃及的营中等待救援。There are hundreds of children waiting in camps in Tunisia and Egypt.

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米利德据说与时任突尼斯总统本·阿里关系密切。Mili De is said and when he was close to President Ben Ali of Tunisia.

高失业率是造成这次突尼西亚动乱的主要原因。High unemployment rates are the main reasons for the unrest in Tunisia.

在突尼斯,因·阿比丁·本·阿里向和平的集聚人群采取妥协措施。In Tunisia Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali met peaceful crowds with concessions.

北非国家突尼斯沿海地带一所监狱15日发生火灾,42人死亡。North African coast of Tunisia 15, a prison fire, 42 people were killed.

祷告该国政府运用智慧以公义治理国家。Pray that the government of Tunisia would govern justly and with wisdom.

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中国的治国经验对突尼斯有很好的借鉴作用。Tunisia should learn from China's experiences in developing its country.

世界银行行长佐利克为埃及和突尼斯提供了贷款。World Bank President Robert Zoellick offered loans to Egypt and Tunisia.

太阳能合作项目在突尼斯还是首次。The solar energy co-operation project is the first of its kind in Tunisia.