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这句话让我有一丁点儿不舒服。This made me a tiny bit uneasy.

始终会良心不安。Will always be uneasy conscience.

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他在那里显得瑟缩不安。He appeared numbed and uneasy there.

当我见到我的老师时感到不安.I feel uneasy when I see my teacher.

她的确很自信,但不自在。Cocksure, she is cocksure, but uneasy.

这件事使他的良心痛苦不安。He was uneasy and conscience-stricken.

戴王冠的脑袋躺不安稳。Uneasy lies the head that wears crown.

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“安静点。”格里夫不安的说。"Be quiet. " Griff's voice was uneasy.

当晚我们忐忑不安的上床睡觉。That night we all went to sleep uneasy.

作为单身男子,你正感到心神不定。As a single guy, you are feeling uneasy.

乔伊独自一人在家时感到坐立难安。Joe felt uneasy while he was home alone.

这位年轻的国王对身居王位感到很不自在。The young king was uneasy on the throne.

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戴王冠的头是不能安于他的枕席的。Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

所以我怀着忐忑不安的心情入睡。So I harbored an uneasy feeling to sleep.

我一见到这种难做的题目,心里就开始发怵。I feel uneasy whenever I meet the manager.

我心里七上八下,坐也不安稳。I had got so uneasy I could not set still.

当我开车去小镇时,心仍感到担忧。When I drove to town, I still felt uneasy.

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他一直都介意这个女人的水性杨花。He has been uneasy with this woman's skittish.

母亲一定会盼望盼得心神不安。Mother will be expecting me, and getting uneasy.

你自己干时会觉得不容易了。You will find it uneasy when you do it yourself.