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找回星星。Recover tde star.

成绩弥补?To recover the grade?

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祝她早日康复!Hopefully she will recover.

我只希望他能痊愈。I only want him to recover.

我又充满了希望,他说到。I recover some hope," he says.

卵子内纺锤体或纺锤丝不恢复。Spindle don't recover in eggs.

我们以睡眠来恢复体力。We recover ourselves by sleeping.

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不久后他就病倒了,而且一病不起。He soon after and did not recover.

一些人甚至不吃药就好了。Some even recover without medicine.

他们为她尽快康复而祈祷。They prayed that she wonld recover.

我们必须以某种方式挽回损失。We must recover our losses somehow.

我们能重获我们的个人自由。We can recover our personal freedom.

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你两三天就会病愈的。You'll recover in two or three days.

我怎样才能找回丢失的钱呢?How could I recover the money I lost?

这样可以帮助你早日康复.It will help you recover more quickly.

这个国家能从这次事件中复原吗?Can the country ever recover from this?

很少有人相信报纸收入会完全恢复。Few believe it will ever fully recover.

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我诚恳地盼望你早日康复。I sincerely hope you will soon recover.

但他连恢复知觉的时间都没给留下。But he had no time given him to recover.

她靠吃指定饮食来恢复健康。She is depending on the diet to recover.