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减缓月经疼痛。Eases menstrual pain.

为什么月经量减少了?Why did menstrual quantity decrease?

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经期期间能服用替勃龙片吗?Menstrual period can take tibolone movie?

你妻子上一次例假是在什么时候?When was your wife's last menstrual period?

该药物意味着抑制全部的月经来潮。It's meant to suppress all menstrual bleeding.

月经量很少该如何解决?How should be menstrual quantity solved rarely?

在月经周期期间,有没有哪几天没有症状?Do you have symptom-free days during your menstrual cycle?

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月经后多久是危险期,其他都是安全期吗?How long is menstrual hind crises, other be safety period?

帮助减少抽筋,肌肉痉挛,月经痛。To help reduce cramping, muscle spasm, and menstrual pain.

女性生理期可以帮别人调整吗?Can a female having her menstrual cycle adjust other people?

最现代化的妇女在月经期佩带止血棉。Most modern women wear tampons during their menstrual periods.

上图显示了一个完整的月经周期中女性体内激素的改变。The chart shows hormone changes during a normal menstrual cycle.

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你的选择将取决于,月经周期时你在哪里。Your choice will depend on where you are in the menstrual cycle.

经期饮食减肥法或致月经不调?Menstrual period diet diet or cause menstruation to be not moved?

太阳穴偏头痛及鼻塞,经痛均有效。Good for temporal migraine and nose congestion and menstrual cramp.

可缓解经前综合症和痛经。Offers relief from premenstrual syndrome and severe menstrual cramps.

如果月经持续时间超过7天,就算经期延长。If menstrual lasted for more than 7 days, even if menstrual extension.

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该过程通常比较规律,一般在28天月经周期的第14天发生。It usually occurs regularly, around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle.

这种眼病多见于月经量少或无月经的女性。This eye disease in menstrual quantity is little or no period of women.

部分患者流血较多,似月经量。The partial patients bleed many, resembles the volume of menstrual flow.