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舰桥也是一片混乱。The bridge was bedlam.

这是那家疯人院。This is the house of Bedlam.

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那个躺在疯人院里的人。That lies in the house of Bedlam.

他被送入疯人院治疗。He was sent to the bedlam for treatment.

疯人院行动已经结束!你明白吗,007?。Operation Bedlam is DEAD! Do you understand, 007?

疯人院行动已经结束!你明白吗,007?Operation Bedlam is DEAD! Do you understand, 007?

疯人院行动已经竣事!你明白吗,007?Operation Bedlam is DEBD! Do you understand, 007?

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疯人院势必会带给你一个惊悚的夜晚。Bedlam is bound to bring a shiver to your evenings.

尖叫、哭泣、祈祷、呕吐,一个恶梦般混乱喧闹的场面。A nightmarish bedlam of shrieking weeping praying and vomiting.

士兵们做入侵准备,爆发出一阵喧闹。Total bedlam breaks out as soldiers everywhere prepare to the invasion.

无可言喻的美丽与无法想像的狂乱,在三裂星云可以同时并存。Unspeakable beauty and unimaginable bedlam can be found together in the Trifid Nebula.

宾高判罚后卫沙维亚,认为他蓄意用手阻拦法国后备上阵锋将韦托特的射门,引发冲突。Benko sparked bedlam by ruling that defender Abel Xavier had deliberately handled a shot from French substitute Sylvain Wiltord.

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在一场突然爆发的混乱冲突中三人被捕另有六人受伤,当时他们正等待观看“美国最新顶级模特”节目。Three people were arrested and six others hurt after a bedlam broke out while they waited to audition for "America's Next Top Model".

那艘船处于怎样的一片混乱之中,我无法形容,但它确在一个精神错乱者的指挥之下,可以称之为一所浮动的疯人院。What kind of a pandemonium that vessel was , I cannot descriBe, But she was commanded By a lunatic, and might Be called a floating Bedlam.

我喜欢这部电影的一个原因是它让观众深陷在骚乱之中而你又不知道该如何是好。One of the things I liked about it is that you are dropped into the middle of bedlam as a viewer and you cannot understand what is happening.

情况变得一团混乱,警察冲进此刻已经被围得水泄不通的拳击台,试图恢复秩序,可混乱如发生连锁反应一样,向酒店大厅,接着向外面的街道扩散而去。All hell broke loose, the police came into a by-now crowded ring to try and restore order and like a ripple effect the bedlam moved to the hotel lobby and then the streets outside.

但没有哪个穿越整个国家的疯狂之旅会完全没有撞车的搀和――要不然,格里斯沃尔德一家的例子,飞越云霄,重重地撞回地面,再到一家四口马上排除故障。But no cross-country bedlam is complete without a car breaking down -- or, in the Griswolds' case, flying through the air, smashing back to earth, and all four tires deflating at once.

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当他出现在颁奖典礼举办地伦敦西部的伯爵宫外时,在场的几百个歌迷陷入一阵“混乱”,他们抢着给杰克逊拍照,还伸出手来争着和他“握”手。Earlier jackson's a earance outside the earl's court arena in west london I ired glee and bedlam among hundreds of fa who scrambled for photos and reached out to touch his gloved hand.

当他出现在颁奖典礼举办地伦敦西部的伯爵宫外时,在场的几百个歌迷陷入一阵“混乱”,他们抢著给杰克逊拍照,还伸出手来争著和他“握”手。Earlier, Jackson's appearance outside the Earl's Court Arena in west London inspired glee and bedlam among hundreds of fans, who scrambled for photos and reached out to touch his gloved hand.