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他没有上进的理想,也没有贪图享受的奢望。He had no forwardly idea or desire for enjoyment.

当你与别人初次见面时,你应该主动问好。When you meet others first time, you should say "hello" forwardly.

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海峡里的卖国贼直接主动地告诉了我饵的特性。The traitor in strait straight forwardly told me the traits of the bait.

乘车时你有主动给老人和小孩让座的习惯吗?Do you have the habit that giving place to elder or kid forwardly when you got on?

修行完备的人,别人不请教,他是不会主动对人说教的。A man of perfect practice doesn't sermonize forwardly without other's consulting him.

在证券公司大门口,杰克遇见有过一面之交的经理,主动上前打招呼。At the gate of the company he meets the manager he knew before. He forwardly greets him.

她的朋友们听到她家中的困难情况后,都主动伸出援助之手。Her friends all forwardly helped her after they heard her family's difficult situation.

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避免问题的唯一办法是每个人都主动要求把这个戒指熔化。The only way of avoid the danger is that everybody require to melt the ring down forwardly.

积极推进精益生产方式的利用,适应多品种小批量生产。Forwardly push the usage of Lean Production mode, orientate multi-species short run production.

现在,K有效能够相对直接地定义,由中子的产生除以损耗。Now K effective can be defined relatively straight forwardly by production of neutrons divided by losses.

他们并不主动抨击在王室里流行的或者被政府支持的那些谬误。They do not forwardly attack those errors which are in fashion at court or are countenanced by the government.

地狱的行为直指毁灭世界的决心,而天堂的动机却深不可测。Where the actions of hell seem straight forwardly bent on destruction, the motives of heaven are unfathomable.

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为了迎接城市医疗服务系统面临的新挑战,必须主动采取相应的措施。Facing the new challenge, the relevant measures should be adopted forwardly in the urban medical service system.

当胜利在前方招手时,连城再次选择了返回南京与最危险的敌人继续斗争。When triumphal forwardly beck, chose even the city to return Nanjing and the most dangerous enemy to continue to struggle again.

很奇怪的是,在前几天,我通常是主动和他聊天,但几天过后,他开始主动和我聊天了。It is strange that at previous days , I usually chat with him positively , but he began to chat with me forwardly after a few days.

走在区域一体化最前面的欧盟在建立统一大市场后,已经实现了单一货币。The European Union that forwardly walks on the regional integration has realized the single money system after founding its unified market.

手指分开后,可以随心所欲地摆弄各种物品,使婴儿能够主动地学习和从事各种活动。When baby's hands are separated, he can fiddle with each article willingly, and he is stimulated to study and engage many activities forwardly.

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运动技术预见具有训练理论工作者和训练实践者理性选择未来、主动塑造未来的含义。Sport technique foresight has the meaning of choose future reasoningly and mold future forwardly for training theory workers and training workers.

为此,在研究了1~5自由度机械加工系统的基础上,给出了一种主动控制高自由度机械加工精度的通用方法。This paper gives a universal method of controlling mechanical working accuracy forwardly base on the research of 1-5DOF mechanical working systems.

生物免疫系统能够使自身主动地抵御外来病毒的攻击,它在生物体内的作用与计算机领域的安全系统非常相似。Biological immune system can resist the attack of extra virus forwardly , its role of organism in the safe system is very similar with the computer filed.