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您这是客店吗?Is this an inn?

他住在一个小客栈。He lived in an inn.

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他们来到一间客栈。They came to an inn.

他在那里开了个小店。He keeps an inn there.

他没有走进那客马店。He did not enter the inn.

那家客栈你绝不会错过。You cannot miss that inn.

老两口开了一家客栈。The old couple kept an inn.

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到露珠旅馆一定要进来一坐。Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn.

他住在假日酒店。He’s at the Holiday Inn Hotel.

纪念英国的乔治二世皇帝。Inn honor of George II of England.

旅游者们将在一个旅店里逗留。The tourists will tarry at an inn.

是的,这是九州饭店服务处。Yes, this is Holiday Inn reservation.

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我住在假日丽都饭店。Alloggio all'"Holiday Inn Lido Hotel".

他在酒店饮酒消磨时光。He spent his time tippling at the inn.

一天晚上,金正日在假日酒店用餐。One night, Kim dined at a Holiday Inn.

一条溪流边有个石头造的客栈。There was a stony inn nearby a stream.

一名天真的孩子在一个客栈蹊跷地死了。An innocent child died oddly in an inn.

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他又跑到客店,客店的门又拴上了。He ran to the inn. The door was barred.

在该假日旅店住过3个晚上。Stayed 3 nights at Holiday Inn Express.

有一家酒馆紧挨着商店。A tavern or an inn providing such a meal.