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酝酿出一个梦。Incubate a dream.

微生物课上,我们试着培养黑霉。We try to incubate black mould in biology class.

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蛋孵化需要的时间是九到十天。The time needed for the eggs to incubate is nine or ten days.

悲观和沮丧似乎在酝酿一个饥饿的黑色幽默。Doom and gloom seem to incubate a hunger for the blackest of humour.

例如,登革热病毒在蚊子体内大约需要两个星期的培育孵化期。For example, the dengue fever virus takes about two weeks to incubate.

在厌氧条件下培养,培养时间同培养期。Incubate under anaerobic conditions for the duration of the incubation period.

通过沉思,你可以酝酿那些你命中注定要完成的宏伟蓝图。Through meditation you can incubate the vision that you are destined to accomplish.

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批量大小是根据制造商能得到、接种和孵化多少鸡蛋来决定的。The size of the batch depends on how many eggs a manufacturer can obtain, inoculate and incubate.

第一个期望是孵化出一个有着Google水准并有中国特色的高素质公司。The first hope is that he will incubate companies of Google’s caliber with Chinese characteristics.

父母都会孵蛋,而且都会吃掉肉然后再反哺给它们的幼鸟。Both parents incubate the egg, and they both eat and then regurgitate the meat they serve their baby.

跟长冠企鹅一样,巴布亚企鹅在上岸的五周内就必须将卵孵化。Like the Macaronis, Gentoo penguins incubate and hatch their eggs within five weeks of coming ashore.

很少有细菌能够孕育如此之快,和那些比可以很容易在细菌培养检测。Few bacteria can incubate that fast, and the ones than can are easily detectable in a bacterial culture.

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范哲在患病前来过上海,会不会上海潜伏着另一种致命的病毒呢?Fan Zhe is falling ill to once come Shanghai, will can't does Shanghai incubate dissimilar malignant virus?

企鹅生活在冰面上,但是它们要寻找一片没有冰的地面来繁育后代。While the penguins primarily live on sea ice, they seek out ice-free land to breed and to incubate their eggs.

就像YouPhonics公司的合伙创立人艾登·努曼讲的,“蒙特利尔市是孵化我们公司的优秀社区。As Aidan Nulman, co-founder of YouPhonics argues, "Montreal's been a great community to incubate my company in.

城市里大大小小的公园,宛如城市的希望之蛹,孵化著人们对自然的深切渴望。Parks in a city, whether big or small, are like chrysalises of hope that incubate people's profound desires for nature.

用实验室规模的UASB反应器处理豆制品废水培养厌氧颗粒污泥。The UASB reactor of lab scale was used to treat soybean cake wastewater in order to incubate anaerobic granular sludge.

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当企鹅妈妈下蛋之后,她就会把蛋转交给父亲孵化,这段时间内她就去海里觅食。After the female penguin lays a single egg, she transfers it to the male to incubate while she heads out to sea to feed.

雌䴙䴘通常在牠们漂浮的巢内产两到六枚蛋,父母双方都孵蛋,直到小鸟被孵化出来。Female grebes usually lay two to six eggs in their floating nest, both parents incubate the eggs until they are hatched.

在我看来,联系我而只是想找一个生育的工具替他们生儿育女,这是一种极具侮辱性的做法,而通常我这样的回应从来都是对牛弹琴。My response that being contacted in part so I could incubate a legacy child for them was insulting often fell on deaf ears.