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他对我在新影片中扮演的角色过分称赞了。He oversold the part I played in the new film.

出于此类原因,国防股票可能将被大大地卖空。For reasons like that, defense stocks may well be oversold.

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但是这一零排量交通解决方案有多少浮夸的成分呢?But has this zero emissions transport solution been oversold?

她认为,在一些圆滑的营销活动推助下,商学院过分自卖自夸。It is oversold by business schools with slick marketing campaigns.

我们同意,重用的想法是空头支票,并且过度简化了。We’d agree that the idea of reuse was oversold and oversimplified.

但是今天,我为这种时髦和过度泛滥的社会感到忧虑不安。But today, I'm uneasy about this most trendy and oversold community.

此外,在日线图及周线图上,国债孳息均显超卖。In addition, treasuries are oversold on both a daily and weekly basis.

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我觉得大家太容易觉得我们讨厌回春术了。I think our dislike for Rejuv blanketing gets oversold on these forums.

因此,我们的近期技术面支持超跌反弹行情。That said, our near-term technical bias favors an oversold relief rally.

可以成为一个安全买或超卖的一段较长的时间。A security can become overbought or oversold for an extended period of time.

事实上经过近期整理之后,标普短期几乎已超卖。In fact, the S&P is nearly short-term oversold following recent consolidation.

因此未来数日标普出现超跌反弹行情是不足为奇的。So, it should not be surprised to see an oversold relief bounce in the coming days.

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定义安全成为的意义的MACD尝试抢购了或吹嘘。The MACD attempts to define the points where a security becomes overbought or oversold.

事实更可能是上网本厂商过度生产了一个表现不佳的产品。Instead, it is more likely that makers of netbooks oversold a product that underperformed.

这意味著这一波短期超卖反弹还将持续下去。And this suggests that the short-term oversold rebound could turn out to be something bigger.

欧元遭到了过度抛售,而如果风险方面的顾虑能够得到平息,那么欧元可以出现一到两月的短期恢复。The EUR is extremely oversold and can stage a one to two-month recovery if risk concerns settle down.

根据14日相对强弱指数,该指数自8月6日以来首度出现超买.The index is now oversold for the first time since Aug. 6 based on the 14-day relative strength index.

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根据14日相对强弱指数,该指数自8月6日以来首度出现超买.The index is now oversold for the first time since August 6 based on the 14-day relative strength index.

的“四万亿,以刺激经济”的市场政策的影响和超跌的股票上涨了井喷。By "four trillion to stimulate the economy" policy impact of the market and oversold stocks rose blowout.

基因组学曾经被作为一个确定性的科学而过多的宣传给消费者,已经引起了强烈的反对之声。There is already a backlash against genomics, which has been oversold to consumers as a deterministic science.