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历史发展的总趋势是不可改变的。The general trend of history is unalterable.

正是诸对象构成这种不变的形式。Objects are just what constitute this unalterable form.

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改变所能改变的,接受不能改变的。Change what can be changed and accept what is unalterable.

新加坡的脆弱,是谁也无法否认及改变的事实。The island-state's unalterable fragility is beyond dispute.

这本著作的结论和观点已是不刊之论。The conclusion, and arguments of this book is unalterable truth.

那么在不理解和···是否一直存在一个不变的核心,谁也不清楚。Is there an unalterable core, of pudeur or incomprehension, even here?

全球化已成为不可逆转的趋势和不可抗拒的客观事实。Globalization has become an unalterable tendency and an unarguable fact.

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我对那些模式化的人格尤为反感,我只是按我喜欢的做事而已。I especially dislike those unalterable personality, I just do as I like.

这并不仅仅因为刺花是深入皮肤,不能改变就变得野蛮的。It is not barbarous merely because the printing is skin-deep and unalterable.

科学家已经证明,同性恋是不可改变的一种倾向。Scientists have shown that homosexuality is an orientationthat is unalterable.

这被看成是事物本质的一部分,而且是一个无法改变的事实。This is regarded as part of the nature of things, and generally as an unalterable fact.

那么在不理解和···是否一直存在一个不变的核心,谁也不清楚。Is there an unalterable core, of pudeur or incomprehension, even here? That is less clear.

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想想看,我们能固定文字的尺寸,或者说,文字大小不可改变,或者,你可以说,纸张的尺寸也在控制中。You can think –we can fix the size of text –or you can think –the size of text is unalterable.

“植入芯片提供了安全,永久和不可改变的识别形式,”Robertson说。"Microchipping offers a safe, permanent and unalterable form of identification, " Robertson said.

但这种分割方法是不能改变的,假如想调整则要大动干戈。But it is unalterable that this kind breaks up a method, if want, adjust should touch war greatly.

不能改变现实,凤凰都市选择改变策略,“有一些自己的打法”。Unalterable reality, phoenix city chooses to change strategy, "Have dozen of a few oneself ways ".

我在你的世界的存在是天经地义的,因为我两者的宇宙和你内心一个灵魂的庇护所。My presence in your world is unalterable for I am the sanctuary of both the cosmos and the one soul inside you.

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我所创造的事物永不得更改,一言既出,永不召回或更改“Unalterable shall be what I may bring into being, Neither recalled nor changed shall be the command of my lips."

“恪守诚信、务实创新”是本公司一贯秉持的经营理念,热忱欢迎各客户来洽谈业务和指导工作。"Insist on Good faith, endless innovation" is our unalterable goal. Warmly welcome your co-operation and direction.

人们开始破除迷信,再也不去拜菩萨求狐仙,再也不相信一切都是命中注定的了。The people began to cast aside their superstitions, no longer believed in ghosts, fox goddesses or a fate unalterable.