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在那里被巴格达哈里发雇为雇佣军。as mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs.

我们知道扎卡威在巴格达的活动。We know of Zarqawi's activities in Baghdad.

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伊拉克的巴格达无疑再次中标。The bottom? Baghdad once again comes in at 215.

巴格达许多地方都成了一座座混凝土制的迷宫。Many parts of Baghdad have become concrete mazes.

但战争就在这里,巴格达已被占领。But the war was here and Baghdad had been occupied.

正是在这场战斗中萨达姆逃离了巴格达。It was during the fighting that Saddam fled Baghdad.

巴格达文物保护警局总部。The headquarters of the antiquities police in Baghdad.

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巴格达是穆斯林世界中一个伟大的城市。Baghdad is one of the great cities of the Moslem world.

就在美军正式撤出伊拉克城镇的两天后,乔。拜登便抵达了巴格达。Joe Biden arrived in Baghdad just two days after the U.

巴格达街头一处汽车炸弹袭击现场。A car-bomb attack scene in one of the streets in Baghdad.

伊拉克掷鞋记者在巴格达获释Iraqi shoe-thrower released in Baghdad Link to this audio

阿布·尼达尔是巴勒斯坦叛徒,他于2002年在巴格达死去。Abu Nidal, a Palestinian renegade, died in Baghdad in 2002.

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舞女们在巴格达的一间俱乐部为男性顾客们表演。Dancers perform for male patrons at a nightclub in Baghdad.

梅尔克特星期叁在巴格达的一次记者会上说的这番话。Melkert spoke during a news conference in Baghdad Wednesday.

随着时间推移,一个亲伊朗的伊拉克也许也会加入。With time, a pro-Iranian government in Baghdad might join in.

巴格达发生的大多数暴力事件是基地组织所为。The group has been blamed for much of the violence in Baghdad.

然后他又回到巴格达一边工作一边等待结果。He then returned to Baghdad to work and waited for the results.

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这些措施里还包括主要在巴格达设立促进返乡中心。It also includes return facilitation centers, mostly in Baghdad.

美国决不姑息从巴格达到北京的暴君。An America that will not coddle tyrants, from Baghdad to Beijing.

许多阿拉伯国家已经开始在巴格达建立使馆。Many Arab states have already begun to open embassies in Baghdad.