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他们的工资晚发了,是由于计算机出错。Their pay was late because of a computer bungle.

贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语,泔水。Bungle a step and it's, how do you say in English, swill.

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别让他修理你的自行车。他肯定会弄得一团糟的。Don't let him mend your bike. He's sure to bungle the job.

宾果,班果,邦果,我在我不想离去的丛林里是如此开心。Bingle, bangle, bungle I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to go.

我必须更加努力,因为我可不想把这本书写砸。I've got to exert myself more for I don't want to make a bungle of this book.

要是你养不好孩子,我想其它的事情你也不会很看重。If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.

由于存在巨大的安全隐患,微软建议全世界9亿IE浏览器用户安装补丁。Microsoft company suggests nearly 900million IE users to install patches due to hiddenclossal bungle in it.

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由于存在巨大的安全隐患,微软建议全世界9亿IE浏览器用户安装补丁。All 900 million users around the world were advised they needed a patch because of a colossal security bungle.

学生的阅读心理障碍是影响阅读教学成功实施的主要原因之一。Students psychological obstacle is one of the main elements which bungle the implementation of successful teaching.

曹操看行军的速度越来越慢,担心贻误战机,心里很是着急。Seeing that the marching speed was slower and slower, Cao Cao was very worried because he feared that he might bungle the chance of winning the battle.

凡是在外伤后发生面神经麻痹者应高度警惕有否颜面型破伤风的可能,以免贻误病情。Facial nerve always happens after outer injury paralytic person should high vigilance has the possibility that denies face tetanus, lest bungle illness.

铁道部关于在这次事故中表现的不称职引起了民众的愤慨,他们救援不利并急于重开线路。That disaster sparked widespread outrage at the ineptitude of rail officials who appeared to bungle the rescue effort and then rushed to reopen the rail line.

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在这个名单中没有包括的一个群体是病人自己——为了公平起见,如果手术草率失败了,他们不应该被指责。The one group that wasn't included in that list were the patients themselves — and in fairness, they should hardly be blamed if their surgeons bungle the job.

但是她把自己的主要角色定义为“照顾总统”,并补充“如果你不能抚养孩子,我不认为你能做好其它任何事。”But she defined her major role as "to take care of the President" and added that "if you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much.

一个野蛮人和老练的小偷搭伴而行,笨手笨脚地历经了暗杀者公会、致命的巫师和诡计多端的神制造的意外。Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Fritz Leiber. A barbarian and master thief band together and bungle their way through encounters with assassin guilds, deadly sorcerers and scheming gods.

有可能成为下任首相的民主党党魁鸠山由纪夫在谈及日美长期军事合作这样微妙的关系时屡屡失言。Its leader, Yukio Hatoyama, who may well be the next prime minister, has managed to bungle the message on matters as delicate as Japan’s long-standing military ties to the United States.

另一方面也面临着人口超量压力和体制转轨风险等,从而贻误时机,仍然停留在发展中大国的位置上。Also be faced with population to exceed volume pressure and system shunt risk to wait on the other hand, thereby bungle opportunity, in still staying in development of big country locally.

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普尔努卢卢国家公园位于澳大利亚的西澳大利亚州,其中赫赫有名的就是一排排被纵横的沟壑深深切割而成的“嘣咯嘣咯山”。The Bungle Bungle Range, in Purnululu National Park, is one of the most fascinating geological landmarks in Western Australia. From an aircraft, the Bungle Bungle Range is an imposing sight.

尽管她看起来很不错,穿着桃粉色的休闲裤以及品牌夹克,指甲涂成了丛林红色,她表达起来还是有困难,因为2005年她经历了两次中风。Though she is perfectly turned out in peach slacks and a chic bouclé jacket, with her nails neatly done in Bungle Jungle red, she is hampered by speech difficulties, the result of two strokes in 2005.