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一刻钟里难得有一辆小车和一个车夫走过。Hardly one cart or wagoner passes in a quarter of an hour.

瓦格纳和葛蒂尔芬格没有回复记者的置评请求。Mr. Wagoner and Mr. Gettelfinger didn't return messages seeking comment.

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文件中说,瓦格纳满足条件可以参加2008年底的公司高管退休计划。Wagoner was eligible for GM's executive-pension plan at the end of 2008.

如果将本书拍成电影,通用公司CEO里克•瓦格纳可以由汤姆•威尔金森饰演。In the movie version, GM CEO Rick Wagoner would be played by Tom Wilkinson.

最近几周来,瓦格纳被指责不能处理GM的棘手问题。In recent weeks Mr Wagoner has been accused of abjectly failing to tackle GM's problems.

瓦格纳先生甚至说这可能意味着氢汽车将在其他地方-比如中国首先部署。Mr Wagoner even said that this might mean that hydrogen cars would be deployed elsewhere first—such as China.

批评人士认为,瓦格纳对通用汽车公司近年来的亏损负有责任,不过,他此前一直说希望能够留任。Wagoner has been criticized for his handling of G.M.'s declining fortunes, but he has said he intends to stay on.

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作为奥巴马政府出手相救的条件,首席执行官里克•怀格纳的职务已被免除。Rick Wagoner was ousted as GM's chief executive, a condition of the Obama administration's support for the company.

通用公司行政主管里克.瓦格纳被问及,通用公司是否考虑出售设在中国的盈利的工厂。GM chief executive officer Rick Wagoner was asked if his company is considering selling its profitable operations in China.

瓦格纳和董事会之前一直极力反对申请破产,称这将破坏GM的销售,并令其陷入灾难性的清算程序.Both Wagoner and the board had long campaigned against a bankruptcy filing, saying it would damage GM's sales and send it into a disastrous liquidation.

漂亮的人力车、复古造型的人力车夫,使运河散发出最独特的风光。Wagoner of manpower of handsome a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by man, formative restoring ancient ways, make the canal sends out a the most distinctive scene.

然而他在这个位置上仅停留了八个月,遭遇了与瓦格纳类似的命运--同样被声称需要更彻底变革的局外人撵下台。Now eight months after becoming GM CEO, Henderson has followed Wagoner in an eerily similar fashion -- being ousted by outsiders who say more radical change is needed.

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瓦格纳和通用汽车董事会,长久以来一直认为任何主要汽车厂商破产,都将威胁包括供应商在内数以千计工作职位,并可能导致通用汽车清算.Wagoner and GM's board had long argued that bankruptcy by any of the major automakers would threaten thousands of jobs, including suppliers, and could lead to a GM liquidation.

上周瓦格纳和底特律另外两家汽车公司的首席执行长乘坐公司专机前往国会申请数十亿美元公共资金救助,他们为此遭到了国会的严厉批评。Wagoner and Detroit's two other auto CEOs were chastised in Congress for flying corporate jets to meetings this week in which they asked for billions of dollars in public assistance.

就在瓦格纳宣布公司今年的计划之前,数百名通用公司的雇员在科博中心集会,展示团结。他们在大批聚集在那里的媒体面前高呼口号。Just before Wagoner unveiled what is ahead for the company, hundreds of GM employees gathered in the Cobo Center in a show of solidarity, shouting slogans in front of the assembled media.