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安•卡兰从亚特兰大报道。Ann Calan, CNN, Atlanta.

亚特兰大比华盛顿更靠南。Atlanta is below Washington.

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那名恐怖分子逃往亚特兰大。The terrorist dusted for Atlanta.

康耶斯位于州际20的乔治亚州的东部。Conyers is east of Atlanta on I-20.

亚特兰大猎鹰队也是一支很强的队伍。The Atlanta Falcons are a strong team, too.

卡森问我在亚特兰大发生了什么事?Carson asked me what had happened in Atlanta.

休斯顿和亚特兰大将进行决定性选举。There will be run-offs in Houston and Atlanta.

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我原认为亚特兰大会更加传同一点儿。eg. I thought Atlanta world be more traditional.

亚特兰大目前仅有90天的水供应量。Atlanta is down to just a 90-day supply of water.

我现住在格鲁吉亚州的罗斯维尔——亚特兰大周的城郊。I live in Roswell, Georgia – a suburb of Atlanta.

达文波特是1996年亚特兰大奥运会女单金牌获得者。Davenport won the singles at the Atlanta Games in 1996.

祝贺你们亚特兰大市公司开张!Congratulations on your newly-opened business in Atlanta.

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约什-史密斯为老鹰拿下全队最高23分和10个篮板。Josh Smith topped Atlanta with 23 points and 10 rebounds.

亚特兰大没有足够的水资源——迈阿密可能会被淹没。Atlanta won’t have enough water– Miami might be inundated.

亚特兰大国际培训中心是全球12个国际培训中心中心之一。CIFAL Atlanta is one of 12 CIFAL centers around the world.

很好,但是我在亚特拉大的一次交通阻塞中遭受池鱼之殃。Pretty goog, But I got caught in a traffic jam in Atlanta.

这将是汤姆吴博士的第一次,也是唯一的访问亚特兰大。This will be Dr. Tom Wu's first and only visit to Atlanta.

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阿特兰大机场最便宜的租车点在哪里?Where is the cheapest car rental booth at Atlanta airport?

她是一个冷酷的女人,一个人在亚特兰大东跑西颠。She's a mighty cold woman, prancing about Atlanta by herself.

位于亚特兰大的卡特中心没有对此发表评论。The Carter Center in Atlanta was not available for a comment.