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他已达古稀之年。He has attained the age of seventy.

这对一个在古稀之年才开始写作的人来说是相当了不起的。Not bad for a man who started writing in his 70s.

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已过古稀之年的他长期隐居在山洞里,被当地人称为“圣人”。He was over 70 years old and lived a long life of reclusion in a cave.

作为演员的他,年逾古稀之年,戴着耳环,成为一名出色的水手,至今仍志存高远。The actor, 73, on wearing an earring, being a good sailor, and dreaming big

这个世纪末,100岁将会成为人们新的古稀之年。By the end of this century the age of 100 may have become the new three score and ten.

很难想象这位古稀之年的老者,是如何保持这艺术青春的。It is difficult to imagine the seventies year old man, is how to preserve the art of youth.

吴斌与汪丽珍结婚18年,他们的女儿今年16岁,正在读高中,他的父母已是古稀之年。Wu got married to Wang Lizhen 18 years ago, with whom he has a 16-year-old daughter. His parents are over 70 years old.

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但越来越多的研究表明,随着我们迈入古稀之年、选股能力开始下降,化繁为简将更显紧迫。But a growing body of research suggests simplicity takes on added urgency as we move into our 70s, when stock-picking acumen begins to slip.

但越来越多的研究表明,随着我们迈入古稀之年、选股能力开始下降,化繁为简将更显紧迫。But a growing body of research suggests simplicity takes on added urgency as we move into our 70s, when stock-picking acumen begins to slip.

即使是在古稀之年,怀斯仍致力于电影事业,他把自己的影片制作成DVD并公开露面进行宣传活动。Even in his twilight years, Wise continued to be active in productions of DVD versions to his films, even making public appearances promoting those films.

他离开人世间时已是古稀之年,但其著作丰富。他肩负着的责任既是世界上最感光荣的,也是最令人畏惧的。He departed laden with years, laden with works, laden with the most illustrious and the most fearful or responsibilities, the responsibility of the human conscience informed and rectifies.

我至今仍记得主人父亲那饱经沧桑的脸上露出的发自内心的笑容,他那时的表情俨然不像是一位古稀之年的当朝之君。I still remember the owner of his father's face has experienced many vicissitudes hearts and minds of a smile, his face just like that time is not like a year of when the seventies towards the king.

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假如他们年纪太大生活不能自理,或者已逾古稀之年,比如说过了75岁了,他们便住进老人院、疗养院或专为老年人设计建造的有综合设施的公寓。If they are too old to take care of themselves or if they're really old day over 75 then they usually live in old-folk's homes nursing homes or special apartment complexes designed for senior people.