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类似乡愁的语气。It had the ring of nostalgia to it.

故事情节跟乡愁联系起来。The plot connects us with nostalgia.

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长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票。When grown up, I remained homesick, but it became a ticket.

在应对乡愁方面,年龄造成了很大的差异。Age can make a crucial difference in coping with homesickness

法朵是一种苦乐参半风格的音乐,充满了乡愁和渴望。Fado is a bittersweet style music filled with longing and yearning.

对我来说,乡愁,就是那一碗南昌米粉!For me, nostalgia, just it is a bowl of nanchang fried rice noodles.

高扬大爱旗帜,抒写乡愁是琦君乐此不疲要表达的中心。With high profile of great love, homesickness is her constant theme.

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我的心今天涌起乡愁,渡过时间的海去寻找那甜蜜的一刻。My heart is homesick to day for the one sweet hour across the sea of time.

当他坐船来到薄雾弥漫的小岛的时候,乡愁袭上心头。As he moors by a misty island, an acute homesickness rises to take hold of him.

淡化乡愁是移民作家文化视野开阔的表征。Desalinating nostalgia is the symbol of immigrant writers wide cultural vision.

乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡,我在这头,大陆在那头。Homesickness is a shallow strait, me on this side and the mainland on the other.

在抒情方面,这一系列作品成为阿勃丝对于畸形人摄影的乡愁。In lyrical aspect, this series of works became the nostalgia of freaks to Arbus.

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乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡,我在这头,大陆在那头。Homesickness is a shallow strait, I stand here, my homeland is on the other side.

本文以几首还乡诗为切入点分析中国古代士大夫的乡愁。This paper studies the homesickness of Chinese ancient intellectuals through their poems.

这些怀想如乡愁一样萦绕得使我忧郁了。These fond recollections lingered with me like a kind of homesickness, leaving me dejected.

在沮丧和乡愁的时候,仅仅安静的呼吸是有帮助的。During moments of depression or nostalgia, it can be helpful to be quiet and merely breathe.

所以,江南的艺术地志学中带有一种挥之不去的“乡愁”。Hence, a persistent sense of nostalgia exists all through Jiang Nan's local chronicle of art.

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词笔由实转虚,从面前的荷花想到遥远的故乡,引出深沉的乡愁。Word pen by turning from the front, the lotus of faraway hometown, leads to deep homesickness.

不完全是这样,瑟贝说,尽管他的研究课题是,“预防和处理乡愁。”Not quite, Thurber said, despite the title of his study, "Preventing and treating homesickness."

有对中世纪的乡愁式的怀恋,由于憎恶近代,把中世纪理想化了。There was a nostalgia for the Middle Ages, which were idealized owing to hatred of the modern world.