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这似乎正确。This seems right.

可是你似乎很伤心。You seemed so sad.

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他似乎逃避了这个问题。He seems to avoid it.

他似乎对你有好感。He seems to like you.

似乎记得,自己真的喝了酒。Remembering, he drank.

你的离去似乎已成永恒。That you've been gone.

这似乎太贵了。It seems too expensive.

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她似乎又在生气。She looked vexed again.

似乎万事俱备只欠东风了。Everything seemed ready.

那么说似乎有些过分了。That may seem excessive.

这似乎简单易懂。It seems straightforward.

那似乎很不合适。That seems inappropriate.

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我似乎落枕了,脖子有些僵硬。I woke up with stiff neck.

看起来他们似乎非常匆忙。They seem to be very budy.

似乎就是那么运行。CroV seems to do just that.

它似乎就要坠毁了。It appeared about to crash.

这个消息看起来似乎没有什么意义。This message seems trivial.

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可八零年代却似乎是很古老的。But 80s seems to be ancient.

但巴尔卡特先生似乎毫无顾虑。But Mr Barkat seems unfazed.

他似乎不愿意帮忙。He seems indisposed to help.