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法律假言推理是诉讼活动中的重要推理。The legal hypothesis reasoning is an important reasoning in the process of adjudication.

假言选言推理是一种得到广泛运用的推理形式,在论辩过程中使用更为频繁。Dilemma is a widely used inference form. It is more frequently used in the course of the debate.

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康德所指的格准是什么意思?定言律令和假言律令之间的区别?What does Kant mean by a maxim? What is the difference between a categorical and a hypothetical imperative?

这两组儿童假言推理能力的差异可能跟智能水平有关。The ability of syllogistic reasoning correlated with the mathematical achievement and the levels of intelligence.

三项条件中的第二项和第三项条件具有形式逻辑的假言判断性质。The second and third condition in the three conditions have the character of hypothetis judgments of formal logic.

传统逻辑和模态逻辑在分析自然语言假言命题方面都存在缺陷。Traditional logic and modern logic have some defects in analyzing the hypothetical proposition of natural language.

对当关系中的真假不定不能看作是一简单命题用于假言三段论。Undefined truth-values in the square of opposition cannot be used as a simple proposition in hypothetical syllogisms vaguely.

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提出“相关蕴涵”概念主要是为了对自然语言假言命题进行符合自然语言实际的分析。The purpose of putting forward the concept of "relevant implication" is mainly to analyze the hypothetical proposition of natural language.

假言推理是前提中有一个为假言命题,并且根据假言命题前件与后件之间的关系而推出结论的推理。Hypothetical reasoning is a reasoning that premise has a proposition and bases on the relation of proposition of protasis and apodosis to made a conclusion.

针对直觉模糊近似推理,给出了推广的取式推理、拒式推理及假言推理等的合成运算公式。To approximate reasoning on IFL, mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations on generalized modus ponens, modus tollens, and hypothetical syllogism are derived.