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要强既是没用,何不乐乐眼前呢?Stronger is useless, why not Lele eyes?

长跑运动员耐力要强。Long-distance runners need staying-power.

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两个人都太要强,都太自以为是!Two men are too strong, too self-righteous!

被人仰视总比被人看不起要强的多。It is better to be looked over than overlooked.

四式的枪比旧的三式枪要强。The Mark 4 gun is stronger than the old Mark 3.

闲散的豆子总比监禁的糖果要强。A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.

但与亨内昆接手之前比起来要强上许多了。But it is much better than before Mr Hennequin's reign.

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这样做是有好处的,比每个人都单打独斗要强It will help, rather than all trying to do it individually.

结果证明,宠物主人的沟通能力比其他人要强得多。The pet owners interacted more with neighbors than non-owners.

但从某种意义上来说,冷静和镇定比粗鲁与愤怒要强。But in a way that’s cool and calm rather than abrasive and angry.

不锈钢的弹性反冲比低碳钢要强。Stainless steel has a greater elastic springback than mild steel.

水能冷却任何内在的好胜心和要强的冲动。Water dampens any inherent aggression and impulse of this powerfulsign.

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然而,坦白的说,我相马的能力其实比相狗还要强些。Indeed, my aptitude for appraising the horse is better than that of dog.

有些人对于某些疾病的抵抗能力要强于其他人。Some people are better at fending off certain sicknesses more than others.

毫无疑问,有大学文凭比没有要强千倍。Without doubt, it is vastly better to have a college degree than to lack one.

更为重要的是,相比MySpace,该网站的易用性要强出许多,也更为贴近社会主流。More importantly, it was much more user-friendly and accessible to the mainstream.

人最渺小的原创火花也比最优秀的拾人牙慧要强。The least of man's original emanation is better than the best of borrowed thought.

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锐步在美国比我们要强,但是我们在欧洲和亚洲要强得多。Reebok is stronger in the U. S. than we, but we are much stronger in Europe and Asia.

即便你走错了这步,你至少还从中学到了些东西,这比什么也不做要强。Even if you get it wrong you’ve learned something, which is better than doing nothing.

炮打出头鸟,凡事不要强出头,因为并没有想象中的强!Cannon dozen birds, nothing in the fore, because have no imagination and the strong! ! ! ! !