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春光明媚,鸟语花香。Spring is gay with flower and song.

北部树木幽静,鸟语花香。Quiet northern part of trees, flowers.

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在鸟语花香的美丽花园里。In the beautiful gardens full of flowers.

绿草是总是鸟语花香。The green grass is the always fine spring day.

在每个角落能看见一个鸟语花香的天地。Be able to see one in each corner of the world.

阳光普照,鸟语花香,春天绿了大地。Sunshine, flowers, spring colors the earth to green.

让我们的家园再呈现昔日的碧水青山,鸟语花香。Let our homes to present the hill, former blue roses.

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待到冰雪消融时,鸟语花香把春迎!Up until the time of thaw, the spring flowers to welcome!

我们进化于一个飞禽走兽,鸟语花香、山石林立、万物繁盛的自然世界,因而自然界是我们得到愉悦感与满足感的源泉。We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364

踱步出去,那里没有鸟语花香,没有,我的雏菊。Pacing out, where there are neither fine springs nor my daisy.

洪庆山国家森林公园茂林修竹,鸟语花香。Hung Chin-Mountain National Forest Park Maolin Xiuzhu, fine spring.

整个短暂的夏天里,山谷里鸟语花香,生机勃勃。Through the short summer season, the valley is abuzz with activity.

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别跟任何人说,我要用点儿时间享受一下鸟语花香。Don't tell anyone, but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers.

生日宴会设在一个鸟语花香的地方。Birthday party is located in a place where charactizing a fine spring.

假如我是一只会魔法的兔子,我一定是生活在鸟语花香的森林里。If I were a magic rabbit, I must be living in a beautiful and peaceful forest.

光的世界里,是一个鸟语花香的世界。In that world of light there were birds singing, and beautiful flowers bloomed.

钓鱼人沉浸在鸟语花香里,有一种超凡脱俗的感觉。Fishing people immersed in the flowers, there is an extraordinary feeling refined.

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这里鸟语花香,阳光明媚,我却蜷缩在阴影里,咀嚼着内心的霜霰。Here flowers, sunny, I huddled in the shadows, the chewing of inner Chalazion cream.

在春日的阳光中,五月乡村的鸟语花香向我们飘荡过来。The scents and sounds of the May countryside were wafted to us in the spring sunshine.

祠内树木葱郁,鸟语花香,又有流水潺潺穿过其间,饶有幽趣。Temple lush trees, flowers, there are water gurgling through the meantime, Raoyouyouqu.