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明迪,你怎敢违抗我。Mindy, how dare you defy me.

他总是违抗上级。He always defied his superiors.

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他违抗道德标准。He defied the moral starldards.

这名士兵违抗了命令。The soldier disobeyed an order.

违抗或对古茹不敬。To disobey or disrespect the guru.

他们违抗命令还是去了。They went in defiance of the order.

他因违抗命令而受到惩罚。He was punished for disobeying orders.

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相反,你却故意违抗。Instead,you deliberately disobeyed me.

相反,你却故意违抗。Instead, you deliberately disobeyed me.

约翰因违抗命令而被开除。John was dismissed for insubordination.

这位将军因为违抗命令被解除指挥权。The general was relieved of his command.

于是,约拿书决心违抗上帝。So Jonah made up his mind to disobey God.

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回答,否则你们会为自己违抗命令后悔的。Answer or you may regret your disobedience.

我们必须遵守交通规则,我不能违抗。We must obey traffic regulations,I can't disobey.

你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。Eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven.

今天你要是吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命啊!If you eat me today, you will violate GOD's order!

她从不敢违抗丈夫。真是没胆量!She never stands up to her husband. She is gutless!

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吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命令,就是大逆不道!If you eat me, you'll be disobeying the god's order.

但他们已属于违抗军令了。But they have been a defiance of the military orders.

你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。By eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven.