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他的肚子是音乐的风箱。Music bellows from his insides.

来自他的肚子的音乐风箱。Music bellows from his insides.

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风箱能扇火,言语可动怒。The bellows puffed on the fire.

换取充满怨怒的旧风箱?For an old bellows full of angry wind?

每一只风箱爆炸,她也能开颜。Or every bellows burst, be happy Still.

我坐在风箱上哀叹着,眼泪喷出来。I bemoaned, sitting on a bellows. My tears belched out.

喷水泵应与送风箱相联锁。The spray pump should be interlocked with the supply fan.

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我想,你可能把我比作铁匠的风箱。You could, I suppose, compare me to a blacksmith's bellows.

从嘴或风箱中往外送气。To expel a current of air, AS from the mouth or from a bellows.

这条巷子真深啊,表弟租住在这里、做风箱生意。The alley is really deep ah, cousin living here, do the business.

我正忙于用自己内心冲动的风箱来煽起熊熊的火焰。I was busy blowing up a raging flame with the bellows of my emotions.

检查前万向节轴上的回旋式风箱是否损坏。Check the convoluted air bellows on the front cardan shaft for damage.

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过去的25年里,手风琴的风箱又扩展了。In the last 25 years, however, the accordion bellows have expanded again.

淑玉在做饭,灶屋传来风箱的喘息。From the kitchen, Where Shuyu was cooking, came the coughing of the bellows.

它们有梅花、溲疏、锦带花、悬钩子、连翘和风箱果。These include philadelphus, deutzia, weigela, rubus, forsythia and physocarpus.

风箱风笛、牛风琴或类似的管乐器的内有空气的灵活的腔室。The flexible air-filled chamber of a bagpipe, an accordion, or a similar wind instrument.

我们要采购喷嘴,水管,联结和有柔性的扩充连接风箱。We want to buy Nozzles, Hoses, Coupling and Flexible Expansion Joints Bellows and Expansion Joints.

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因为西门子的工艺是只有从选择的风箱中排出的废气才能重新循环到分支烧结设备中。With the Siemens VAI solution only the offgas from selected wind boxed will be recycled to the sinter strand.

宽大的口袋仅在后面有“风箱”,这使口袋更为薄形,从而降低了前进时被勾挂的可能性。The roomy pocket has bellows in the rear only, for a lower profile and less snag potential when moving forward.

某冶炼厂铅鼓风烧结风箱内布风存在严重的涡流现象与偏析现象。There existed strong vortex and uneven distributing wind in the bellows of lead updraft sintering in a smelter.