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中国市场的潜力不可限量。In China the sky's the limit.

看来妳得洞察力真是不可限量呢。It appears your perceptive powers know no bounds.

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甚至有吉祥物用于电子游戏所以它们的用途不可限量。There are even mascots for video games so the uses are limitless.

中国的银行业仍处在起步阶段,发展潜力不可限量。Banking in China is still in its infancy, with huge upside potential.

潜质和才情都很好的刘阳,他的前途是不可限量的。As a talent with excellent potentialities and abilities, Liu Yang has an unlimited future.

国营的工业或商业,都已经开始发展,它们的前途是不可限量的。State-operated industry and commerce have begun to grow and they have boundless prospects.

品牌是可形容而不可限量的,品牌是需要呵护而不可透支的。Brand can describe limitlessly, and the brand is to need to be protected but can't overdraw.

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许多成功人士用过这一技巧,我也确实发现它有不可限量的潜力。It’s been used by many successful people, and I’ve only recently discovered its untapped potential.

这个创意前途不可限量---我想更多的亚洲公司应该采用这种战略。It's a disruptive idea brimming with growth potential — and a strategy more Asian companies should follow.

在他的设计中,投资由充满活力的企业家控制,其前途不可限量。In his scheme, investment was governed by the animal spirits of entrepreneurs, facing an imponderable future.

亚历桑德罗。德尔。皮耶罗表示,吉吉。德尔。内里带领下的这支尤文图斯是不可限量的。Alessandro Del Piero insists there are no limits to what Juventus can achieve this season under Gigi Del Neri.

另一方面,它的发展前景不可限量,我们可以扩展知识,泽及人类。On the other hand, the development is how far we can extend the knowledge that it can bring benefits to mankind.

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像这里的其他人一样,投入你的热情,专注于你的工作,你的成就将不可限量。Bring passion and dedication to your job — like everyone here — and there's no telling what you could accomplish.

定标可变物的组合可利用对或者的用户这些放映机是实际上不可限量的。The combination of calibration variables available to the user of either of these projectors is virtually limitless.

随着我国逐渐步入老龄化社会,中国的老年旅游市场具有不可限量的开发潜力。Along with our country entering the aged society gradually, Chinese aged tourism market has great development potential.

由于显示器具有弹性,可像报纸一样卷曲,这种新型计算产品的需求潜力将是不可限量的。Since the displays are flexible enough to be rolled up like paper, the potential for this new type of computing is nearly limitless.

完全自动化机器深入到人类活动的领域的可能是无限的,而且潜在的利益也是不可限量的。The areas of human existence in which fully autonomous machines might be useful – and the potential benefits – are almost limitless.

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“其潜力广阔,而且不可限量”,沃尔夫表示,“从来没有一个低人均收入国家拥有如此之多的责任和力量”。"The potential is unimaginable and vast," said Wolf, "We have never had a low per capita income country with such responsibility and power."

大少爷是陆府的嫡长子,长相俊朗,品性端正,未来自然不可限量。The big young master is the Di eldest son of six mansions, the landscaping is handsome, conscientious role, the nature is limitless in the future.

鉴于中国明星运动员姚明的职业生涯处于不稳定状态中,在中国的众多体育明星中,李娜的前途不可限量,特别是如果她能继续赢得几个冠军的话。With long-time star Chinese athlete Yao Ming’s career in flux, the sky’s the limit for Li among Chinese sports figures, especially if she keeps winning.