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试试这种指甲油。Try this nail-polish.

一起涂指甲油.Paint your nails together.

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我要试试这种指甲油。I will try this nail-polish.

我想在脚指甲上涂上指甲油。I want to varnish my toe nails.

我喜欢粉色的指甲油。I like the pink-colored nail polish.


大多存在于指甲油和染发剂中。It’s found mostly in nail polish and hair dye.

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白菜—指甲油,不管多便宜,我非讲价不可。Cabbage-nail polish, i'll bargain it no matter what.

你可以说指甲油是一种免费的防腐剂。You could say that nail polish is preservative free!

没问题,您喜欢什么颜色的指甲油?No problem !What color of nail polish would you like?

略施胭脂粉黛,涂抹好指甲油,卷起你的秀发。Put your make-up on. Get your nails done. Curl your hair.

你为你太太买过指甲油吗?Have you ever purchased nail-polish remover for your wife?

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但是当它过强,闻起来像指甲油味时则是一个缺点。When it is strong and smells like nail polish, it's a defect.

她突然之间拥有很多新奇色彩的指甲油。All of a sudden there was nail enamel in these strange colors.

去年,该公司称要从指甲油中去掉邻苯二甲酸二丁酯。Last year, the company said it was removing dibutyl phthalate.

在银色指甲油上覆盖一层带有亮粉的甲油。Paint a coat of silver glitter polish over the original polish.

Chanel的全息指甲油是我非常渴望的款式之一。The Chanel Holographic nail polish is one I've been longing for.

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他和他儿子都涂了指甲油,所以我能认出来。I recognised them because he and his son had henna on their toes.

我们有兴趣在印度进口空指甲油瓶。We are interested in importing empty nail Polish bottles in India.

你拥有一瓶指甲油最长的时间是多长?What’s the longest you’ve ever held on to a bottle of nail polish?