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我的不可挽回的决定可以等待。My irrevocable decision could wait.

我们必须以某种方式挽回损失。We must recover our losses somehow.

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有何补救之策挽回被拖走的车?What con I do if my car gets towed?

一种或两种关系或可因此而得以挽回。This might save a relationship or two.

但是篮圈允许骑士队稍稍挽回点颜面。But that hoop allowed the Cavs to cover.

我需要这条新闻。我需要挽回我的荣誉。I need this story. I need my pride back.

他为我们做了挽回祭。He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

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我正想出言挽回时,丁宇却开口了。I just want to say it, but Ding Yu spoke.

到那个时候,人类再想挽回则为时太晚。By then it will be irretrievably too late.

除了死亡,一切均可挽回。There is a remedy for everything but death.

世界上有四件事情是无法挽回的。Tjere are 4 things that you cannot recover.

那些事童装十大品牌,在乎了还是挽回不了。All those things, care about or restore not.

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欧文后来的进球为利物浦队挽回了败局.Owen's late goal saved the day for Liverpool.

他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉。He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely.

你感觉丹照旧有可挽回的价值啦?。You actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?

难道我就得失去一切,没有挽回的机会吗?Am I to lose all, without a chance of retrieval?

这不仅能帮你挽回颜面,甚至还能帮你保住工作。This not only saves face it could save your job!

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如果是这样,应不应该给他打电话挽回这段感情?Should you call him and try to get back together?

一句无意的话,可造成一个不可挽回的结果。A careless word, can cause an irreversible results.

不能挽回损失,抱歉有什么用。Apologies may count if they can get the losses back.